I am "Joe the Plumber" are U?

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Wow, Mikeeeeeeeeee and Birch Run.
I am voting for TERRIELACY!!!!!!!!!!!

RIGHT!..so if you make alot of money...you PAY alot of taxes..if you make middle income..you pay in the middle...that sounds fair to me also terri!...why dont they do it that way??...it sounds fair all around to me...
I hope you have people there to help you. There are many people that are in bad situations due to companies moving their manufacturing outside of USA because of "cheaper" wages and no environmental regs. All w/tax incentives to move......
I'm "Josie the Cancer Patient." I can't afford my treatments, medication, let alone the surgeries that are coming up. I have to chose between either going to the doctor or making a truck or house payment. I'm starting to get those threatening letters that they are going to put me on the street and take my truck. If I pay for the truck, I'll be able to sleep in it when we get put out of the house. Can't pay for the house because I need the truck to get back and forth to work. Can't work because I've been too sick.

My DH is "Joe the Unemployed". It's been this way for 16months. Unemployement is up 57% since January. Unemployment benefits run out in 3 weeks (just in time for surgery!) Was in the Marines for 8 years but can't get an appointment with the VA for chest pain for another 6 months.

I haven't decided on which canidate is the lesser of 2 evils.
I am voting for TERRIELACY!!!!!!!!!!!

RIGHT!..so if you make alot of money...you PAY alot of taxes..if you make middle income..you pay in the middle...that sounds fair to me also terri!...why dont they do it that way??...it sounds fair all around to me...

Here's the problem, a flat tax would be around 25+%. At what level do you start the taxes? For those making $40,000 or less, they wouldn't make their payments. We all can't live in KY where median income is $24,000. So some states would pay very few taxes. Some like the North East would pay for those in lower income areas. bet they would enjoy that.
Oy, Coyotemagic, I feel for you. There are so many voices out there, I don't think the candidates have any clue to what's really going on - Maybe we should send the big G an e-mail from BYC on just this topic....
You start it at all levels. As it is now, you pay in 28 to 40+% and file your taxes and put in your deductions and get some of that back. Work work work. Saving papers, adding it up yadda yadda.

What I was saying was that you make 25K a year you pay $2500 a year to the feds (10%) and $1250 for Social Security and Medicare (5%). You make $100k a year you pay $10k a year to the feds and $5k for SS.

You don't file, you just get a statement for your own info.
You are still likely ahead and the govt is saving a ton of money and coming out ahead, too. And you don't have to sweat over your taxes and hope you don't get audited.

Oh and IF your state has an income tax, I think 2 to 3 % is plenty with Powerball and Megamillions going on.

So if you make $100K (just for ease in math), you pay $10k to the feds, $5k to Soc Sec and 2 or 3k to the state.

You still keep $82,000. Instead of $60 or $70k.
i feel badly for those who dont make a lot of money, but why should someone who does make a lot of money pay the bills of those who dont make a lot of money?
Hey, I am really Joe, Thats my real name, guess you can call me Joe the chicken man!!

Unless chicken prices take off, I will not be worrying about spreading my wealth.
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