I am "Joe the Plumber" are U?

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If you have ever taken an economics class the FIRST thing you study...IS that the president has nothing to do with the economy!

So that is why I flunked econ????? Dang, where were you??
Yeah, things really hit the fan when the dems got control of congress. Sorry Terri. I like lighting the fire

This is the most dramatic political experience of a lifetime, I believe, and everyone feels very passionate about what side they take. I wish someone who had a little less experience and maybe was a "Joe the Plumber" would run for president. This country is supposed to be for the people and I don't think it has been for a long time.

I hope things do change but Im scared at what direction that will go.

We need someone to be proud of again. and we need Saturday Night Live and the movie producers to not make fun of either the leader of our country or its candidates. We are Americans and we will come out of this regardless of who wins
hopefully as a society who is more aware of our government and it's flaws and we will demand a whole lot more from our leaders.
The flat tax has huge merits in one simple fact as terrie stated. It basically eliminates a huge expenditure called the IRS. Sure there will still be a skeleton staff needed but my best friend works for the IRS writing tax documents. The absolute waste he reports to me and number of folks on the payroll doing absolutely nothing and collecting federal salaries, benefits and pensions is downright criminal. Reduction of the IRS will return a huge amount of money back to taxpayers.

No matter what your political affiliation is, we should all be able to agree that both parties are corrupt and spend our money like drunken sailors. The spending has to be curtailed. And we should not be adding new taxes to this economy. It is a surefire way to kill it.

I love how everyone blames Bush for the economy. From 2000-2006, the economy was doing fine and the stock market was at record levels. A banking crisis develops due to negligence in both parties and still everyone blames Bush. Then the whole rest of the world experiences the same issues. I guess it's Bush's fault that Iceland is near bankruptcy as well.

A congress with an 18% approval rating might be a good place to start change now that we're ridding ourselves of such a "horrible" president. (me, personally I like him but hey...)
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I am "Josephine" the homeschool stay-at-home mom and my DH is "Joe" the machinist who works 50 plus hours at the day job only to come home and work on his side business. He sacrifices amazingly so that I can stay home with our 2 young kids. When i left the business world 9 years ago, I was making more than he was.

We are blessed to both have some side businesses, that help us get through certain times of the year. We make enough to get by, our savings is almost non-existant and we are about to have our 25 year old move back in because he can't afford a place on his own-again. This will be the 3rd time that he's moved back in in the past 6 years. He's working hard too. Not squandering his money. Just trying to live.

This young generation has got a tough road ahead of them that's for sure. Could you afford a 200K mortgage for a 1 bedroom condo? That's what my older kids are trying to deal with. We are blessed with a very old 1930s farm house that we bought BEFORE real estate got stupid.

Having said that. We don't make alot of money. We are often struggling. God has blessed us amazinginly though and I KNOW that I'm supposed to be home with the younger kids.

What scares me: One of the jobs that I do on the side is taxes. I have about 18 families that I do taxes for. I don't charge alot, because even THAT whole thing is a scam. (I charge $50 for what H&R charges $400 for......THEFT!)

Anyway, alot of these families are single moms, making less than $20K per year, but with all the tax credits, earned income etc etc etc....some of them end up getting over $6K in refunds. Yes you read that right......Making less than $20,000 getting a refund of over $6,000.

I'm always happy for them. They need a break. But then I remember that the money that my dear husband works so hard for is putting that refund in their pocket. I say this all to say......our Government system is screwed up and needs a huge overhaul. This isn't a Republican/Democrat thing.....this is stuff that's been going on for years and WE WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!


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