Thank you...I'm sooo excited...and nervous...I've been drinking water all day so I can have plenty of pee for the test!

That could possibly give you a false negative. Urine too diluted. Like Rodriquez said, for the most accurate test try first thing in the morning.
I'm long past the worrying about pregnancy test thing, but I do have to test regularly to keep track of the amount of blood my kidneys are putting out. Always test with mornings first urine.
aww do both!now and morning! dg test worked fine for me every time. this time, i didnt even have achance to look away that thing *blam* pregger line! it wa not morning, nor had i even held it, cuz well, i had to Go! lol. good luck, it is different for everyone! if you have the money they even had a three pack now for ept.
I work in an infertility practice...we help patients get pregnant - and they LIVE by these tests
Even though we tell them just to wait until they come in to see us. They all say, ok....but they all admit later they took the EPT before coming in. It's hard to blame them! Brand name test is better, by the way.

Here's what we tell them: they can give a false negative (not pregnant), but they rarely give a false positive.

That said, if you get a negative tonight...test in the morning first thing (when the urine is more concentrated).

If you get a positive - celebrate....and then make an OB appointment

Early pre-natal care is a MUST...doctors will turn away patients if they haven't had care through the whole pregnancy.

Good luck & have fun!
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As others have said take the test first thing in the morning.

Here's hoping for a positive!!!

-Cindy in MA
I took the EPT test (the same darn thing that the clinic uses) and came out positive in the morning. I was about a week late and felt "off key" but I had no morning sickness thru my pregnancy.

Same results at the doctors office, in the middle of afternoon.

Good luck! There are going to be alot of babies being born next year!
So it came back....


I told my hubby--who didn't get home until 10pm last night and he cried. Then we cried. I bought the Early Response (two pack). One line was very dark, the other light--but there are for sure, TWO LINES!! I am going to call the doctor today and make an appointment...just in case. I have noticed that my acid reflux is back, worse than ever??? Is that a sign? I don't feel overly sick, either. My last period was August 13-18. So I don't think I'm "that" pregnant....either way--I'm stopping coffee & caffiene COLD TURKEY TODAY...

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