I am not trying to be a smarty pants but...


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Is there a Frontline for humans?!? I am a brand spankin' new "farmer"...a transplant from a big city, Chicago. I have become accustomed to a tick here and there over the past couple of years, but since embarking on my chicken endeavor and new love of gardening this year, I have more ticks than my dogs! On average I pick off at least 8-10 A DAY...on me! My dogs are Frontlined but they get MAYBE 1 or 2 A WEEK.

Like I said, I'm not trying to be smart, but is there anything I can do to cut down the attraction they have for me?
Spray some OFF Deep woods and call it a day!
LOL, I have heard of humans using frontline... can't say I've tried it, but it didn't kill them, they are still here to post about it!!

I'm pretty sure you need to get some Guinea fowl. I've heard they are great tick eaters.
And BTW, Guineas don't count in chicken math.... they are a separate species.
I imagine it could work, if (and this is a big if) if you only bathed once a month, just before reapplying.

Ticks can cause problems, so you don't want to mess with them.

Try repellant even if you just spray on your clothes. Look into those fans that surround you with repellent...that you clip on your belt or shirt.

I think back in the early days people put sulpher in their pant cuffs or something. I would research other products that are designated for humans.
Hope you find the solution while you still have a lot of blood left. ;O)
I've wondered the same thing before, but Avon makes a great product in the skin so soft line that doesn't stink like bug spray and has a sunscreen in it too. It is fabulous, and no, I don't sell Avon.
My Son, the "Wrench God" works at a Diesel truck center, one day after work he went to hang out with his friends for a bonfire and other young guys activities. His work clothes were smelling like diesel---all his buddies got multiple ticks all over them. He didn't have a single one. I'm not sure you'd want to mist yourself down with diesel, but it did work. Another insect repellant story was from another time when one of the guys passed out drunk at the bonfire and everyone but him was covered with mosquito bites the next day. Now that is a insect repellant I'm gonna have to try!
We once lived in a yard so infested...I wore a flea collar on each ankle while I was outside

for real...not kidding

thankfully that place was paved over by I-40
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