I am officially an addict (chicken that is)


10 Years
Jul 4, 2009
Kalkaska, Michigan
So I can officially say I am a chicken addict and I am very proficient in chicken math.

I have.....*deep breath*

13 eleven month old chickens
6 five week old chicks (hatched under silkie mamas)
22 one week old chicks (Ideal Poultry and TSC)
26 day old chicks and (hatched in incubator)
25 day old chicks due tomorrow morning (Townline Hatchery)
for a grand total of.......*drum roll*
92 Yay!

Then if that is not staggering enough, I have 36 hatching eggs coming on March 16th.

I'm so happy. Who knew those little bugger could multiply like rabbits.

I just wanted to share my joy!
i am going to become and addict soon!!! so far i dont have any chickens but by easter i will have some silkie bantams!!!!! They arent here for eggs or meat purpose but just to keep me company since im allergic cats. i already have a dog but she is very old and might go up there to doggie heaven where she will meet her brother!! I chose them because they are docile and so dang cute!!! Srry for this but i just needed to tell someone because my friends think im crazy. but here on byc everyone is normal (to me)
Silkies are awesome, I have 3 hens and 1 rooster and we just hatched out 5. They are very sweet, oh so cute, and make the best moms. Chickens help keep me sane. If I'm having a bad day, I go out and visit the chickens and it never fails to bring a smile to my face.

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