I am so angry...a rant. *UPDATE @ POST 13*

Hope that Too's return puts the skids on the downward trend. Do you have any game cams where you might be able to see who/what is making off with your birds?? I dream about chasing predators with missle launchers or flame throwers - think too much cop and CSI shows - they get away anyhow. But the adrenaline rush wakes me up. I think Too disappearing on purpose knowing how happy you would be for his/her return. Just wanted to cheer you up, I'm sure.
My biggest fear is losing one of my hens to a predator. Im afraid to start free ranging as I know once I do they will do everything in their power to get out side the fenced area...although there run is quite large...they always want whats on the other side:confused:
Yay to your chicken coming back! And I'm sorry for all your losses and frustrations. You might want to actually either string up some electric fenciing around your yard, or put up a large run for your chickens. Are they happier free-ranging? Yes. But if you live in an area with heavy numbers of predators, it makes no sense to let them be a free buffet.

Remember, teenagers are happier if you give them a souped up camero and no curfew, it doesn't mean that's the best option for them. Someone who knows better has to make the safer choice.
The birds have all been in lockdown since the adventure of the weekend. The waterfowl have been voicing their complaints long and loudly about this situation. When I heard a huge ruckus from the duck yard I didn't think much of it since they have been very vocal all day.

I went outside to put everyone in for the night. Something got through my electric poultry netting. The fence is ripped right out of the ground. And there is a trail of feathers leading in to the forest. Two ducks are gone. One (judging from the damage to the fence and the trail of feathers leading into the woods) likely isn't coming back. I am hoping the second one just got spooked and is in hiding.



I could just cry.
I have every predator there is except big cats and big snakes. I also live in a wildlife corridor, so there is a constant parade of hungry animals wandering through my yard. Historically, I have lost very few birds and all the losses have been due to aerial predation. I knew when I started poultry keeping that predation was going to be my biggest issue, so I planned accordingly and set up veritable fortresses for the birds to live in.

The ground near the kill site is very wet, but I found no prints at all. A big animal like a coyote or bear should have left some prints behind. The losses have all occurred during the day when there are people and dogs all around. The snatches have left little to no evidence behind. One minute everything is fine and the next minute I am down one more bird. The predator is very bold. My duck pen is butted up to the side of my house. Anything that got in there was practically in my house. The predator has to be tough. That fence doesn't move easily especially since I have it staked down with many extra rods to prevent sagging. About 20 feet of the fencing was ripped out. And it's electric. That had to hurt.

I have been assuming that the culprit is a fisher because one was spotted hanging around. I hadn't had any fisher problems for about 8 years. In fact, I haven't seen or heard one at all in several years. This one is new to the area and has decided to stay.

I am setting up my game cam to see what I can see. My Conibear was shipped, so I should be getting that in the next couple days. I will catch this thing. Whatever it is.

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