I am so mad at myself.


Jul 26, 2008
Bagdad KY
Today i decided to mow the grass so I get th tractor out and started owing, up in he front yard I saw the bird with her nest on the ground so I said I will make sure not to mow there, not to make her move, well she moved and moved and I saw the eggs once so I said ok I know where he eggs are, she moved so many times on me and confused te hell out of me so I drove to look for the eggs and sure enough me like an Idiot cracked the eggs and killed the babys, man I am praying for God to forgive me.
I swear I feel so bad, I think I broke her heart, next time I will just live the grass to grow like crazy, I am not going to kill baby eggs again.

Hey things happen sometimes.
I'm so sorry!
I know how you feel. A neighbor decided to cut down a tree just on his side of the property line (so technically half the tree was on out side). No big deal, except a bird had a nest of just hatched babies. I begged that he leave the tree for a couple weeks until the babies fly off. No luck.
So we carefully cut the branches the nest was one and moved the ENTIRE section as one unit (branches and all...took 2 or 3 of us to carry it). The nest wasn't disturbed (aside from being moved) and the babies were never touched. Well...the mama bird never came back to her babies and the ants came and killed the babies before we could do anything for them.
You sure didn't mean to hurt them. So sorry that happened.

You might try something a friend and I used to do so we could avoid gopher holes when riding horses along a grassy field. We tied little scraps of cloth on short sticks and stuck one in the ground as a "flag" next to each hole. Only problem was gophers would often clear the sticks off their "front porches."
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aww! i almost feel worse for you because i can tell you will remember it for awhile...where as, the momma will be okay!...she'll lay another clutch and have babies running around soon enough..dont beat yourself up over it!
and God knows that you did not do it on purpose...no need to ask forgiveness..

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