I AM SOOOOO UPSET!!!!!!!!!!!!

what do you get when you merg u.p.s and fedex? FED UP....... there is no excuse to losing live chicks......how do you lose live chicks with all the pepping??????
THEY MADE IT!! stressed and not feeling so good, so i gave them pedialite and they are on terramyacin and i have a heat light on one side of their cage and of course they are in the house with me so i can keep an eye on them.

Sorry for the late reply, i was on the phone all day yesterday with the P.O. I do't think they like me too much. I am so ticked after finding out this morn. they sat in Jacksonville all day yesterday!, i could have drove there to get them, it oonly is about hour half two hours but to not have these babies so stressed. i went and picked them up finally at my P.O. this morn. at quarter of six

the cochin frizzle lost all but 1 of her tail feathers so i dunno when they are ready to go out if she can maybe i will try and see if anyone starts picking on her.

Thank you all for your thoughts and conserns and letting me vent. I'll tell you i would never want anyone to go through this. I was a worry wart all the time!! they should have better policies and treatment of animals!!!!!
Glad you got them Feathers! Hope it all goes well from now on for you. Good Luck. BTW we are all worrywarts when it comes to our animal babies!
Whew!!! glad to here the good news. We were all worried about your babies. So when they are your own its even worse. Next you know we will want to see pics. Again Happy for you.
Oh jeesh. I am sooo glad they made it. Poor babies. As if shipping isn't stressfull enough....but to have to sit there all day! UGH! And of course...we WILL want pics! LOL
I think we all get upset and stressed out when deliveries don't go according to schedule. I expected my MM order on a Monday after the chicks hatched on Saturday and I can attest to the fact I was very upset when they weren't at the PO. They arrived the next day and everything was AOK.
But before we condemn USPS, UPS, Fedex, etc., I think everyone should be thankful that such shipping procedures exist. It is amazing that a hatchery can deliver healthy chicks all over the country to your doorstep in a matter of 2 or 3 days....or you can send a letter from Maine to California overnight. It really is amazing...
and "NO" I don't work for the PO or drive a big brown truck...
Oh i think it is wonderful how we can recieve our mail the way we do, i just do not apreciate their policies and reguard to live animal care that they are not considered as inportant then your express mail(they are express but are loaded if there's room after the paper type deliveries). When they are late with paper express mail you get your shipping money with live you do not. This was told to me by more then one office the other day
my babies are here safe and are doing alot better then when they arrived!

Again thank you all again for all your caring and thoughts I HAVEN'T FORGOT THE PICS! i took some with my phone just needing to load them
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Just as a side note. The live animals are seperated from the letters and magazines for their protection. They are the first off of trucks and the last loaded on. This is so they do not get crushed under 100s of pounds of mail. I personally go and check all shipped animals at my PO. I look at things like hatch date to see how long they have been enroute and if an urgent middle of the night call is in order. Plus if they are going to a Co-op, I might go there to buy anything interesting. Not all post offices or employees are as dedicated. Hope all your babies are doing fine!

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