I believe I have a hermaphrodite chicken

The scientifically documented cases of "sex reversal" have generally been option A of your list, except that they not only behave like a rooster, they look like a rooster too. Sometimes they go back to laying eggs (typical hen behavior) while still looking like a rooster.

Someone recently provided a source telling that scientists caused option B to happen.

We have pretty well established that OP's bird cannot be option A, because it has barring (inherited from a barred mother, because the father was not barred.) That proves the bird must have two Z chromosomes, making it male.

Option B would not allow the bird to lay eggs anyway.

So neither of those options explains OP's bird, even though both are interesting in their own right.

For options C and D, I have not seen any scientific documentation of either one happening quite like that.

There is an option E as well: some chickens do have some male-type reproductive organs and some female-type reproductive organs. There have been several references to one that belonged to another poster (that one was verified by an autopsy after death. OP's bird is still alive and well, so no autopsy of it so far.)

And option F, which has some overlap with both A and C: when a hen (female chromosomes, lays eggs, etc) develops the behavior and appearance of a rooster (option A), she sometimes develops testicular tissue as well. That is possible because a hen only has one functional ovary. The other one just sits there doing nothing, unless it starts becoming a testicle. I have not seen any documented cases where that testicular tissue progresses to a fully functional testicle, so not quite your option C, but somewhat close (since a hen like that can probably still revert to being a normal hen.)
GREAT summary! I'm looking forward to hearing from @CityFarmerRob where his Rooster lands on these.
Yeah Vic went to an exotic specialist that I have personally known for more than 30 years and has been a vet for more than 32, and he specializes in exotics and he is seeing countless chickens and keeps more than 100 of them. But what he said was the outer appearance is completely like a rooster and the vent looked a little small to lay an egg however considering all the circumstances and situations surrounding it he said but it's still very possible. Because we've known each other a long time, he doesn't have any reason to doubt me. But he did say that the only way to confirm this was to be physically examined in an autopsy. And that is something somebody else posted would probably be the only way to determine this. But that's not going to happen, like I said I'm curious but not that curious. He's a beautiful bird and I enjoy him or her or whatever. But if the egg hatches, well here we go again I guess!? 😵‍💫🐔
This is Vic...... he's the one with the feathers 🪶😂


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