I candled an egg but I see nothing inside instead on a shadow. Does this regard non developing embry

Cheecky B

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 13, 2013
(I think the shadow is the shadow of the yoke if I'm write)!I am at day 8 and a half!!! Help!!!
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candle an egg from your refrigerator and compare, if it sort of glows like the undeveloped egg then that is likely what you have. Did you post about this on another thread I answered? Sounds familiar, I let mine go until day 10 before candling. Also I don't know how often you are candling but I feel less is better, the more the incubator is closed and your hands are off the eggs the better. Try to resist the urge to candle every day or 2 just do it once or twice, that is my philosophy anyways
Yes I did post something similar to this and I thank you for replying. You've just showed me that you're one of those people who would offer their time to help others. Thanks again!

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