I cant believe its been a year!!

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Sorry ladies but this is the last pregnancy for me. I am just too old and it is just too dangerous for me and baby. I love you all and will check back every so often but this is pretty much goodbye for me.
When not trying to conceive we used charting to avoid. Taking charge of your fertility is the book that taught me about it. It is as effective as the pill as long as you follow all the rules. We weren't following the abstinence during the fertile phase we were using condoms, so it is then as effective as using condoms, without having to always use condoms. We plan to have 3 kids, so I'll be back after this one. We plan to have at least 2 years between kids as I plan to breastfeed for the 2 years recommended by the World Health Organization.
I'm here too... 11 wks. Due in Feb with #4. This week has been good... morning sickness (such a stupid name... it lasts all day!) has mostly gone as long as I am careful with what I eat. Due to the way I felt with the two boys, I am expecting a girl this time... but would be fine with both as my VERY boy 3 1/2 year old would LOVE sharing his room with a little brother.

That's about as far as we have gotten.


We've always used Natural Family Planning and it's very effective when used correctly and you get to know your body so well.
Welcome and congratulations! Hope the nausea passes soon.

This pregnancy is my 4th, too. They told us it's a boy, so we'll end up with 2 girls and 2 boys. We were really happy.
gpamela - Congrats on the beautiful baby boy! Just b/c you're not pregnant any more doesn't mean you can't still visit the rest of us.

I think the natural family planning would last me about a month. I don't have the patience for that type of thing, not to mention the fact that my cycles are SO irregular it's not even funny. Sometimes there are 24 days in between and sometimes there are 34! I guess being on the science side of things I also feel much more comfortable with something proven that I can't mess up (like depo..just remember to get the shot every 3 months!).
KellyHM, I had the IUD and I loved it!! Worked great for me and should work well if you liked the Depo. Took about 4 months after I got it out to get pregnant but I also was really sick with a kidney infection and in the hospital so I think that made it take longer.
promiselandfarm July 20th
mrs turbo Due Sept. 23
littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
Birdgirl Nov 17
Southernbelle - November 28
Livinzoo December 28
Mandalina Jan 1st
Noble Rooster Jan 8
BlueRoseMama Feb ?

Hey where is promiselandfarm?
Is any one else missing from the list?

OMG I am so deeply depressed I know it will pass but I am so lonely with DH working nights. I am sure he is going through something too because he keeps comparing Emery to our 5 yo and says he is cuter and better looking and I just cried.
We are a mess LOL
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