I cant believe its been a year!!

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Letting the dogs out during the day is great idea. My dogs stay outside, that's waht they prefer (they are not house dogs and do not like to be in the house. IF they can't run around, they are not happy). Many people let their dogs inside at night but during the day, it's outside they go. 2 older dogs wouldn't be a problem since they are sleeping all the time, right.
As for chickens, what I was planning (before my chicks were killed) is doing the daily chicken chores while the kids are asleep. Not easy with a baby and a toddler but I can have my toddler help out with egg gathering or have the older kids do that when they get home from school.
Since you have only 1 baby, I don't think it would be much difficult. When you finally get the baby to sleep, quickly escape (with monitor) and do the chores you need to do. Yeah, sometimes it's going to take a lil longer to get things done COMPLETELY but it'll be worth it.

I would get those cats fixed ASAP. You can go OVERBOARD in matter of weeks and 20 is already alot!
Thanks that makes me feel better. We are going be taking the first batch of cats for fixing in next month. We are going to start a garden next spring to. Since its going to be fenced im going to leave a patch of grass to put a blanket down on so she can hang out with me in the fresh air.
Thanks that makes me feel better. We are going be taking the first batch of cats for fixing in next month. We are going to start a garden next spring to. Since its going to be fenced im going to leave a patch of grass to put a blanket down on so she can hang out with me in the fresh air.

Great idea. I want to do a garden also. When Lily was younger, lifting her head but not yet crawling and it was warm, I laid a queen size blanket down on the grass with toys while I was doing stuff outside. Im hoping to maybe get a baby pen (not the small playpen but the octagon shape fencing) to have her play in there while I do gardening. As of now she runs around and never know what she might get into, like last week she got into an ant hill!

I didn't have a successful garden last year but hopefully I would be able to have it this year. I did have one BIG pot that I planted some flowers in and it was a HUGE sucess! Right now it's browned and dead but hopefully it'll bloom again. We had TONS of butterflies gathering around it. I had a successful start on my veggie garden but there was a drunk man that wonders through my property and he trumpled all my veggies before they were even mature.
Thanks that makes me feel better. We are going be taking the first batch of cats for fixing in next month. We are going to start a garden next spring to. Since its going to be fenced im going to leave a patch of grass to put a blanket down on so she can hang out with me in the fresh air.

Great idea. I want to do a garden also. When Lily was younger, lifting her head but not yet crawling and it was warm, I laid a queen size blanket down on the grass with toys while I was doing stuff outside. Im hoping to maybe get a baby pen (not the small playpen but the octagon shape fencing) to have her play in there while I do gardening. As of now she runs around and never know what she might get into, like last week she got into an ant hill!

I didn't have a successful garden last year but hopefully I would be able to have it this year. I did have one BIG pot that I planted some flowers in and it was a HUGE sucess! Right now it's browned and dead but hopefully it'll bloom again. We had TONS of butterflies gathering around it. I had a successful start on my veggie garden but there was a drunk man that wonders through my property and he trumpled all my veggies before they were even mature.

why do you let a drunk man wonder through your property?
Great idea. I want to do a garden also. When Lily was younger, lifting her head but not yet crawling and it was warm, I laid a queen size blanket down on the grass with toys while I was doing stuff outside. Im hoping to maybe get a baby pen (not the small playpen but the octagon shape fencing) to have her play in there while I do gardening. As of now she runs around and never know what she might get into, like last week she got into an ant hill!

I didn't have a successful garden last year but hopefully I would be able to have it this year. I did have one BIG pot that I planted some flowers in and it was a HUGE sucess! Right now it's browned and dead but hopefully it'll bloom again. We had TONS of butterflies gathering around it. I had a successful start on my veggie garden but there was a drunk man that wonders through my property and he trumpled all my veggies before they were even mature.

why do you let a drunk man wonder through your property?

We didn't. We didn't see him crossing over our property until one day he came up to me while I was waiting for a friend and he said HI. CREEPY! We knew we was wondering the property but we never SAW him. When we finally did, we had a stop put on it. Haven't been bothered by him since. 42 acres of mostly woods is alot of land that you cannot see everything that goes on.
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i feel for you!
when we lived down the road from my brother in law..we were constantly treated to him knocking on our door, drunk as anything on friday nights. we moved as soon as possible. he was a very belligerent drunk too, not one of the happy ones.
Hey all you expecting moms (and dad).... been out of the loop for a while due to our kitchen fire... this is night 8 in the hotel.

Anyway, just had to share that I had my 18 week ultrasound today. Everything looks great with the baby, praise God, and we now know that we're expecting our 4th BOY! My DD was NOT a happy camper to hear this news
but she handled it better when I explained that this means that she will stay our special little girl, since she is our only little girl, and that her baby brother is going to look up to her and love her so much. She'll be fine once he gets here and she gets to treat him like a living baby doll, I'm sure.

Using the hotel's crappy computer so gotta run. I'm hoping to be back in my own house in a few days and I'll be able to read all the posts I have missed then. Until then, y'all take care.
oh no! we have lived out of a motel before too, so i can relate!
another boy? your little girls reaction was similar to ours...but she was ok after she saw him moving around on the screen..i have to admit, i will like her being my only girl as well.
we are almost exactly due at the same time!!!

i hope you can get back to your own house soon, i cant imagine with all those kids!
Question, I never had this happen with the other 3 kids.

My feet are SWELLING so bad that my toes look like huge sausage! (I know that is common in pregnant), Im having poor circulation from hip to toes and it HURTS like heck (now THAT is my main concern). Anyone have any ideas how I can relieve the tenderness and swelling? I want to get some sleep but the pain is keeping me awake.
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