I cant believe its been a year!!

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ordinarily i would say just prop them up for the night but if its your whole leg, you really need to go in and have it checked out as soon as you possibly can..that can be a serious sign.

it might be nothing but it could also be a sign of pre-eclampsia.
my feet always swell up too and ive yet to find anything to relieve it, other than propping them up.
Swelling is just my feet and ankle. Poor circulation is my whole leg. Im going to keep them proped up for the night and if it doesn't die down by the time Hubby has to get up for work (YAY!!!) I will call Mary Ann, my midwife.
How do you get rid of gas? I have it so bad its not funny. And it builds and builds and makes my tummy hurt like crazy. It really sucks at night. Ive tried walking, drinking more water, different sleeping postions you name it. HELP!!
Swelling is just my feet and ankle. Poor circulation is my whole leg. Im going to keep them proped up for the night and if it doesn't die down by the time Hubby has to get up for work (YAY!!!) I will call Mary Ann, my midwife.

Perhaps a soak in some cool water would help - a massage by hubby would be great!
We are having a lil bit of a scare tonight but nothing yet. We dont know if my water has torn a little or not. I have my midwife with me, she said she is going to stay the night. If my water has broken even a little, we will have to go to the hospital in Gainvesville. She said its still too early, not in complete full term yet. Took a test to see if it is my water or not but there is no clear results so we dont know anything yet. Just keeping cautions now.
My grandpa had 13 brothers and sisters so I don't know alot of my family aha
. Not including the other side of the family either. We go to family reunions and I'm like "I'm related to you?".
if you are due in 2-4 weeks, you can have the baby now.

Yeah, but she said to be able to have the baby at home or the birthing center, I must be 38 to 40 weeks, any time earlier then that, need to go to the hospital. Im just now entering 35 weeks
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