I cant believe its been a year!!

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then you definitely have more than 2 weeks then, i thought you were a little bit further along..the hospital isnt so bad anyways..you can send the little one to the nursery..be waited on hand and foot for 3 days..my husband is springing for the cheesy candlelight dinner you can order..i am sure its the same hospital food at triple the price, but i am trying to do all the little things we didnt do with the others.

37 weeks is considered full-term. However, if your midwife wants you to go to the hospital, DO IT! I had a midwife with my first baby, and she was exactly the opposite! I was in ACTIVE, HARD LABOR for 65 hours, and we only went to the hospital against her advice. I was only dilated to 5 when I went in, and my water hadn't broken. The doctor gave me pain meds to relax and so I could get some sleep. She broke my water about 2 1/2 hours before Olivia was born, and it was olive-colored from meconium. When she was finally born, she had an Apgar score of 2. She was blue, had no muscle tone, very slow heart rate, and wasn't breathing. It took 2 hours on oxygen before she even cried. My doctor was ready to care-flight her to the closest Children's Hospital, but Olivia had nothing in her lungs, so she didn't have to. The doctor told me it was a miracle she survived. When the midwife saw that she was starting to respond, she told me "we had the same equipment and would have been able to do the same thing for her at home," I just about smacked her! I know that not all midwives are like her, but I am NEVER going with a midwife again. For one thing, Olivia was FOUR WEEKS overdue before I finally went into labor. Another thing, I have an uncooperative cervix-when I have contractions, the baby's head presses on the side of the cervix, that is why I wasn't dilating. I have had 2 more since her, and my cervix does the same thing every time. I have to be induced at 1-2 weeks past my due date, and my cervix is never even beginning to dilate. Prayers going up for you and your baby, McCord, I hope you have a healthy little one!
Yikes! They should of known better then that. It's the birthing center's POLICY that if the mother comes into active labor or her water breaks before 36 weeks (I had to look in my folder again for the right time period), they must go to the hospital. My midwife left this morning after taking another test and since I wasn't having contractions yet and the test was showing more signs of not being my water. Most likely, what she said, it was my bladder loosing control since the baby is already in place. She really doesn't think I have that much longer to go. Due time is between Xmas day and January 4th, they couldn't get a definite time table.
Yeah, I had ultra Sounds, SEVERAL but every time I had one done, the date changes. SUCKS! December 25th is the date based on last Period, January 4th is based on the last ultra sound. The rest of the U.S. ranks between those 2 dates.
I got a question but since there are kids in here, PM me suggestions, please!

I didn't have breast milk leaking before any of my kids were born. It was always after they were born, is when Im leaking REALLY BAD but with this one Im FLOWING like crazy. Im aso very ITCHY and sore. Any ideas what I can do to relieve the pressure and reduce the itchy and soreness? I do have dry patches the size of a dime, looks like scab. I didn't have this before.
So I officially get to join you guys. I'm pregnant!!!
We just found out last night! I actually had a negative blood test 9 days ago (b/c I needed to take steroids for a skin condition), but then my monthly didn't come, so I took a test last night and it was postiive! Plus the other 3 I've taken since then!
The Dr. says I probably just ovulated late in my cycle and that's why it didn't show up on the blood test. Anyways, I am SOOOO excited!!! This will be our first.
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