I cant believe its been a year!!

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How is everyone doing? I'll be 20 weeks on Saturday... already halfway there... can't believe how fast it's going! I'm feeling him moving a lot more now, even getting an actual little kick every now and then.
Im into my 37th week already. Been having lower pack pains (from hip to hip and down to the butt! not fun!) for the last 2 days. Hard time sleeping, hard time walking after sitting down for more then 5 minute. This little girl better make her appeariance real soon before I go

I just got finished doing 2 loads of laundry of baby clothes and packed my bags up. Im all set and ready.
Robin'sBrood :

How is everyone doing? I'll be 20 weeks on Saturday... already halfway there... can't believe how fast it's going! I'm feeling him moving a lot more now, even getting an actual little kick every now and then.

How exciting!

did you decide on a name yet?​
Im 6 months!! I had some little scares this week though. On Sunday i got very light headed and dizzy and the room went black a couple times. Not fun. Then yesterday i woke up with contractions. Ive got them before but these hurt. And nothing that usually makes them go away was working. So i called the doctor and they said i sound dehydrated. So im suppose to rest, drinks tons and eat 6 little meals through out the day. Great i have to force myself to eat three times a day. Oh well. They said if i get any of it again they want to see me. My next appoinment is on the 18th. So im sure we will be talking about it then.
I am wondering......
I seem to be really late. We don't use hormonal birth control, so we have been surprised before. We are always open to more though.
We are one of those couples that if he looks at me then........... whammy. A baby.

We will see.
I'm about 12-13 weeks, I go for another u/s on Monday to double check dates. I had my 1st real appointment today and my dr could only pick up the heartbeat for a second so we did an u/s.

Babies are looking good! Seen both heart beats! Yeah its TWINS!

I had a feeling with all my symptoms but still a surprise. This will be #6&7! OMG!
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