I cant believe its been a year!!

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I have a few coming up in the next 2 months.... So hopefully I'll be able to get prints of those

today, I yet again had to explain why I refused the down's syndrome tests (nuchal screening, amnio-what'sit...)
it's like they can't quite understand that since I won't abort the baby anyway all those tests would achieve is to make me worry. this is the 5th time I've had to explain it.
it's a different one every time so far, though they all have access to the same notes. It's not a matter of not liking them, it's a matter of them just not understanding why I don't want to know.
I got my 1st sono done today. The doc said that "yup, about 17 weeks along". The baby looks healthy with just a visual scan. Still don't know if it is a boy or girl though. I do my amnio next week. I am not planning to abort either but it can detect spina bifida and heart defects which can be operated on inutrero. I think that the amnio can cause premature labor. If I was in your shoes ebwy I would not have it done either.
yeah, I don't need to be adding extra risks of losing the baby, got enough of those!
The new crib bedding just came (Barn Dance) and, oh my goodness, I LOVE it!! The colors are fabulous and I can see this staying in his room until he is 3 or 4 years old, easy. So happy I went with my gut on this!

I'll take pics of the both sets in my crib so y'all can see the difference. The room isn't ready so it'll just be crib shots for now.

ETA... Here they both are, on my baby's crib.





Barn Dance (I had to include pics of the mobile with this because it's all CHICKENS!



oops, hit submit before I finished uploading pics...




Just for fun, here is the lamp (with the plastic still on it.)

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I am 22 1/2 weeks and just had my first appointment on Tuesday. I would not have gotten most of the tests done anyway, and it is my 4th baby, so I didn't have to explain why I didn't want them. I had my Ultrasound yesterday and found out accidently what we are having. I won't tell anyone what it is, though.

They can just wait and see! Everything looks good, I think, but my doctor is the one I have to talk to and find out for sure. I am due June 8th, on my Grandpa's 80th birthday!
Robin, both sets are gorgeous!

babymakes6, welcome to the thread. You're not telling? awww!
I'm still not decided whether I want to know the sex of the baby or not :-s
Looks like we might get a little girl even before our baby is born. Her name is Hayley and her mom said she could "stay with us" for a while. She is 4 1/2 . We are telling everyone she is my niece.
I think I want to know as soon as possible what sex our baby is so we can plan how our family will fit together.
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