I cant believe its been a year!!

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at some point (nearer the date) I'm going to have to go shopping! we don't have garage sales, we have "car boot sales", which I guess you'd call "car trunk sales" where you load up the boot (trunk) of the car with your unwanted stuff, go to a site with loads of others doing the same thing, then set it all out to sell on tables, blankets etc... rows of cars with people selling their old stuff. You tend to pay for your "pitch" to sell from. The public may or may not have to pay a minimal fee to enter to buy.

I love them

I also look around charity shops (think that's what you call "good will") for bargains
I used to work in one which was rewarding, as all the money we made went to the local hospice. Unfortunately, I don't have anywhere near here to shop, I need to get someone to drive me in to town to get anything! (or internet shopping!)

so from my working in the second hand shop, here's my advice -
the only things I'd be wary of is car seats and other safety gear (unless you know the person you're getting it from, and trust them) and of course you'd need new mattresses for the baby's bed!
and always check and double check the condition and safety of any second hand gear (there are regulations over here now that mean you can't sell certain baby things second hand). Straps fray, latches get worn...

with baby clothes, check there aren't ribbons by the neck that could come undone and be a choking hazard, also check for buttons being sewn on securely (doesn't take long to secure any loose ones you find...)

be careful with toys - double and triple check condition and make sure it's suitable for the age of the baby you're giving it to!

and of course, always wash anything you get second hand to make sure it's REALLY clean.
(we used to get baby clothes with food still on them.. ewww! and that wasn't the worst thing we had to deal with but that stuff isn't relevent here!)
We have cribs that convert to toddler beds. They're usually just called convertible cribs.

What you call a car boot sale sounds a lot like what we call a "flea market." A lot of people have permanent booths at flea markets, but a lot of others just bring a car full of stuff and set up to sell it.
Ebwy, I think what you call charity shops is what we call thrift stores (Goodwill is a big, national thrift store chain). I know the thrift store I like to shop at has quit taking almost all baby items, except clothing, due to recalls/safety issues. They no longer accept or sell toys either.
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thrift stores, that's the words I couldn't remember! thanks Robin.

we could take toys (only if they had a CE mark on the label) and some baby items but no strollers, prams, car seats etc. clothes were the main thing we sold though
I think that is completely normal. Even though you can have the baby at 37 weeks, you're still 4 weeks away from going overdue. Just hang tight, baby isn't quite done yet.
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For my second, I was dialated to 4 at 37 weeks. I was told that they don't check you until 37/38 weeks. So at 36, I wouldn't worry and if you aren't dialated don't worry yourself. You could go to 40 weeks - that's a whole month for the little one to cook a little longer. And as far as dropping I am not sure. Both of my girls dropped, but I'm not sure exactly when. Anyways, try not to worry yourself about it.
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