I cant believe its been a year!!

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Mrs. Turbo :

do lots of good old cuddling with DH
and walk, walk, walk some more. I would walk up and down the stairs and do squats to get the head down on the cervix to thin it out. Hope you have the baby soon.

LOL I've tried walking, cuddling, red raspberry leaf tea, squatting.....nothing's worked

How long would you walk up and down stairs? I live in a two story house, and I do go up/down them quite a bit everyday....

I think I should just get on my horse and walk around LOL...let him do the walking for me and my legs will be spread out wide enough to where the pelvis should open up....actually that sounds like a good idea! I might try it tonight.​
Shadowhills, PLEASE make sure they are checking your blood pressure, checking your urine for protein, and that you don;t gain more than a few pounds in a week. My midwives ignored my BP and weght gain and it had tragic outcomes.

Ultrasound showed a healthy, happy baby, 21 weeks along, 12 ounces, very active (!) The gender has not been revealed. I am HUGE ( my pregnancies were three months apart) and feel like I am 35 weeks along. Other than that, I feel GREAT.

I've been on gabapentin through this whole pregnancy so was worried about birth defects. I was lucky.
do lots of good old cuddling with DH
and walk, walk, walk some more. I would walk up and down the stairs and do squats to get the head down on the cervix to thin it out. Hope you have the baby soon.

LOL I've tried walking, cuddling, red raspberry leaf tea, squatting.....nothing's worked

How long would you walk up and down stairs? I live in a two story house, and I do go up/down them quite a bit everyday....

I think I should just get on my horse and walk around LOL...let him do the walking for me and my legs will be spread out wide enough to where the pelvis should open up....actually that sounds like a good idea! I might try it tonight.

hot curry or something with lots of chillis in it... followed by a hot bath. Apparently that should do the trick!
I'm glad to hear it!

I was on unsuitable medication through the first part of my pregnancy too - if I'd known I was pregnant I'd have got it changed sooner! There doesn't seem to be any problem caused by it, though obviously we'll have to wait to see after the birth tp be sure.

and yes, get your blood pressure checked frequently, and your pee. And if you start swelling up (ankles, feet, calves etc) rapidly go to the hospital immediately!
The contractions last most of the night but once I took a shower and fell asleep they finally stopped. I really need to pack my bags though. I did work on the baby's room today. I have so little money and there are so many little things I need.
cool because I already did.....
can I get a Tetanus shot while pregnant? Stepped on a chunk of cage wire and all the prongs were sticking up. 2 went through my flipflop into my foot. Came in the house and pulled some pieces of nasty stuff out of the holes and cleaned it.....yuck, my foot is throbbing and slight swelling. Now I really waddle!
If they are really concerned about it they will give you the anti-toxin not the vaccine. Getting the vaccine only exposes you to tetnus so your body has a chance to react. But if you have already been exposed the vaccine does no good.
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