I cant believe its been a year!!

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We have the exact same situation. We are trying for #3 and were going to wait til next year to try but I couldn't wait anymore. My youngest is a year and I didn't want to get to far out of baby mode before having another one. There is almost 3 years between my boys and I felt like I forgot everything. Good luck to you!
Well after 5 hrs of not feeling him move I went to L&D...I tried to do kick counts, drank water, gatorade and soda, walked around, took a shower all before hand...

Anyways, we get there and this booger starts to move! Not as much as a couple days ago, but he was moving. I guess they look at fetal movement by the heart rate, which he passed with flying colors.

I started to have contractions....one at 10 mins, then the rest 8 mins apart. I only felt two or three. The toco read into the 50's and the last one read into the 70's.

Frustrating part is that I'm STILL only a fingertip dilated (after 3 weeks!!!)...I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Im going to see if they will induce me because I have been having A LOT of problems lately that they're ignoring.
To the hospital bring birth announcements, shampoo, body wash, comb, brush, deodorant, make up (for some people) lib balm, slippers, pillow, coming home outfit, book, nursing bra and pads, slippers or flip flops, old underwear (i bleed a lot and do not want to worry about it) If you bring your own gown make sure it buttons all the way down for breast feeding.
For baby a coming home outfit, camera, receiving blankets, t'shirt, booties, optional: hat, mittens, pacifier, car seat, (best to install before the birth to take your time for proper installment not in front of the hospital) sometimes a car window shade, ID or DL or ask for a bracelet matching the baby.
Dad should pack a bag too.
For him book, phone,, change, toothpaste and toothbrush, change of clothes, comb, brush, ID or DL or ask for a bracelet matching the baby.

I have 2x gone to the hospital because my water broke and once there they will not release me until labor begins or they induce at 24 hours bring things that entertain you like books, music, lap top, knitting, etc for mom and dad for a while. Also my last 4 babies had to go under the lights for jaundice. I was allowed to stay in the hospital with them but it was very boring and lonely for three additional days. If I left I had to leave the baby so I choose to stay. My hospital would not allow me to leave the floor.

I also demand (yes demand) that I not be put in a room with a teenager or a c section. The teens sleep with the TV blasting all night and tend to bring everyone in the HS to see the baby in the hospital sometimes with foul mouths. The rooms are small and the curtain does not give enough privacy and silence. C-sections have to be monitored by the nurses and often this means waking the patient several times during the night. (I will have no help when I get home so I like to rest as much as possible at the hospital.

It is a good time to speak to the pediatrician about circumcision or ear piercing if you plan to do it. If you need referals for one or info on birth control they can give that to you as well. If you already have a pediatrician make sure the hospital notifies him of the birth or you do, so he/she can make the first visit to your baby at the hospital.
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I forgot a few things
For Dad a bathing suit in case you want a shower during labor to easy the pain and relax you.
extra batteries for the camera charger for electronics, bring your own snacks its cheaper, socks for you if you get chilled easily, photos or small gifts for older children to include them in celebrations. ask the doc about your medications so you know if you should bring them. eye glasses and/ contacts and solutions for a few days,

and for the trip to the hospital bring a large plastic garbage bag and towels for the car in case you water breaks before
now I need to go pack
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Shadow I found this for you

Natural Methods for Inducing Labor

In the next couple weeks your baby should be arriving. As you get closer to the end of your pregnancy you may be thinking about ways to induce labor on your own. Before you use any of the methods in this newsletter please make sure that you are full term and that you have discussed this with your doctor or midwife.

* Walking- Walking is one of the safest ways to induce labor. Walking uses gravity to help aid baby’s decent into the birth canal. It may also put extra pressure on the cervix to help ripen it and prepare your body for the birth of your baby.
* Sex- Sex is another method of inducing labor. It helps in two ways. A female orgasm often causes contractions of the uterus. The other reason sexual intercourse may help induce labor is because semen contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins help to ripen the cervix. In fact, if your labor is induced in the hospital you may be given a gel containing prostaglandins to help ripen your cervix.
* Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil is thought to help soften and ripen the cervix. Evening primrose oil comes in a capsule that can be inserted vaginally just before bed or can be used during perineal massage.
* Nipple stimulation - stimulating your nipples by manual stimulation or using a breast pump may bring on contractions. Nipple stimulation triggers the production of oxytocin, a hormone that produces contractions. (You may have heard of pitocin which is used during labor inductions. Pitocin is an artificial form of oxytocin). Note about nipple stimulation: Many doctors do not encourage using nipple stimulation because it may cause you to have very long and painful contractions that are not always tolerated well by your baby.
* Castor Oil - Women have been using castor oil to bring on labor for generations. However, there is some debate over its effectiveness and safety. Castor oil is a laxative that causes intestinal cramping. The intestinal cramping is thought to spread and stimulate the uterus to contract. Talk to your doctor before using castor oil to induce labor.
I wish one of those things would work! I have tried walking, birthing ball, red raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation, sex, even riding my horse. Ive been a fingertip dilated for 3 weeks now and today I'm 40 weeks.....

We have the exact same situation. We are trying for #3 and were going to wait til next year to try but I couldn't wait anymore. My youngest is a year and I didn't want to get to far out of baby mode before having another one. There is almost 3 years between my boys and I felt like I forgot everything. Good luck to you!

Well, good luck to you! My two are 3.5, almost 4 years apart. If I do get pregnant within the next couple of months. This one would be right at 3.5 years apart from my youngest now. So it does feel like you are starting over. You go from all nice and potty trained and more independent to diapers galore all over again!
But that's okay!
I wish one of those things would work! I have tried walking, birthing ball, red raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation, sex, even riding my horse. Ive been a fingertip dilated for 3 weeks now and today I'm 40 weeks.....


Hope you have that baby soon! I know it's hard but, he/she must need to "cook" a little longer, which is a good thing! Hang in there, it'll be here before you know it. My mom said that driving down a washboard road worked for her when she was waiting for my sis to come.
my water broke last 3 babies and I put a diaper in my pants.....LOL

make sure you pack maternity pants or shorts to wear home.... trust me, most people still need them.
I wish one of those things would work! I have tried walking, birthing ball, red raspberry leaf tea, nipple stimulation, sex, even riding my horse. Ive been a fingertip dilated for 3 weeks now and today I'm 40 weeks.....


do you have an electric breast pump???? you could try that.
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