I cant believe its been a year!!

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WOW! How did you get your doctor to agree to a scheduled induction?!?! My stinking midwife refuses to let me schedule one and has moved my due date so many times that according to her "figures" I actually had a positive pregnancy test BEFORE she feels I even conceived. I'm so mad I could spit fire. I still have a few months to go, but at this point I'll be having my Sept. 26th baby somewhere around Halloween because I simply do not go into labor on my own.

My daughter was 3 weeks overdue before I threw a royal fit and made them induce and my son (who was born 18 months before my daughter) was allowed to go a FULL MONTH overdue and was born with jaundice and had lost weight in utero because of being severely post date. I thought changing docs would help with this one, but no... they are playing the same "push the due date back" game as the last two times.
Well i am 34 weeks and 1 day i went to the OB, my BP was 140/90...
and my swelling has moved from my feet up my legs and my fingers and im not on my feet all day so i dont know why i'm swelling so bad... so they took some blood for PreE, have any of you ever had PreE? Did they Induce you early?
WOW! How did you get your doctor to agree to a scheduled induction?!?! My stinking midwife refuses to let me schedule one and has moved my due date so many times that according to her "figures" I actually had a positive pregnancy test BEFORE she feels I even conceived. I'm so mad I could spit fire. I still have a few months to go, but at this point I'll be having my Sept. 26th baby somewhere around Halloween because I simply do not go into labor on my own.

My daughter was 3 weeks overdue before I threw a royal fit and made them induce and my son (who was born 18 months before my daughter) was allowed to go a FULL MONTH overdue and was born with jaundice and had lost weight in utero because of being severely post date. I thought changing docs would help with this one, but no... they are playing the same "push the due date back" game as the last two times.

I think ANOTHER doctor is in order. I'm due August 4th and already have induction planned for July 31st if he's not out by then (and assuming my cervix is cooperative). I'm only taking August off (I'm a vet and have to schedule another vet to cover me ahead of time), so I don't have time to sit around and wait for him to come.
WOW! How did you get your doctor to agree to a scheduled induction?!?! My stinking midwife refuses to let me schedule one and has moved my due date so many times that according to her "figures" I actually had a positive pregnancy test BEFORE she feels I even conceived. I'm so mad I could spit fire. I still have a few months to go, but at this point I'll be having my Sept. 26th baby somewhere around Halloween because I simply do not go into labor on my own.

My daughter was 3 weeks overdue before I threw a royal fit and made them induce and my son (who was born 18 months before my daughter) was allowed to go a FULL MONTH overdue and was born with jaundice and had lost weight in utero because of being severely post date. I thought changing docs would help with this one, but no... they are playing the same "push the due date back" game as the last two times.

I was with a midwife (I go to the state health department) up until 36 weeks.....and that was living h*ll as she wouldn't do a thing for me. Always saying that my pregnancy was going "perfectly" and stuff like that. They have OB/GYN's from the hospital come every Thursday and I had the option of seeing them. So since 36 weeks Ive been seeing Dr's regularly and I got meds for my headaches and nausea. They've been checking me every week and for 3 weeks I was only a fingertip dilated. Yesterday I was barely 1 cm and 80% thinned out. Yesterday was also my due date, and the earliest the Dr could induce was Tuesday at 6am. I didn't have to even bring it up, he was on top of his game yesterday

From my experience, I do not like midwives...
we will all have more babies!!!!!!!
My Drs. always schedule my inductions for around my due date and I never make it. I will be induced a week early with this one because of blood pressure and have another ultrasound in 2 weeks for my 30 week checkup....uterus is measuring 3 weeks ahead now.

My foot is starting to feel better, stepped on some cage wire in the barn last Thursday ( i think) and it went through my flip flop into my foot in 2 places.... 2 days later puss was coming out so I went to the ER.... got a shot of antibiotic, tetanus, and some antibiotic pills.
Found some more junk in the holes and now it feels so much better.
that sounds reasonable...me and robinsbrood need to get on it right away! then we can start over again in the same month i started the thread..and keep it going until we hit menopause!
according to various charts and such, i could potentially have 10-11 more kids!
i did have PreE, but I will not go into what happened. You need positive energy. Being on your feet has nothing to do with it. EAT PROTEIN. Get your doc to TRACK THIS, get a 24 hour urine collection NOW. You would probably not be indiced if you get PreE (and it certianly sounds like you have it) you would probably get a C-section. You are 34 weeks and you will be fine. Your baby will be fine if born now as well. You may not be fine if it gets worse.

For the record, I used to be a big pro-homebirther, pro-midwife, etc. I have swung 180 degrees the other way and now believe all births should be in a hospital.
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