I cant believe its been a year!!

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I think I will wait a while to join you!
It has been a rough week-Declan has been a fussy baby all week! He cries and wants to be held constantly! Today is MUCH better, though, he is sleeping on the couch right now.
My Mom met an interesting man yesterday. He is from Alaska. Half Apache, half Inuit. He and his first wife were married at 13. She was raped and murdered when she was 18. They had EIGHT children together! TWO sets of quadruplets!!! He later adopted TEN more children from Russia!
i did have PreE, but I will not go into what happened. You need positive energy. Being on your feet has nothing to do with it. EAT PROTEIN. Get your doc to TRACK THIS, get a 24 hour urine collection NOW. You would probably not be indiced if you get PreE (and it certianly sounds like you have it) you would probably get a C-section. You are 34 weeks and you will be fine. Your baby will be fine if born now as well. You may not be fine if it gets worse.

For the record, I used to be a big pro-homebirther, pro-midwife, etc. I have swung 180 degrees the other way and now believe all births should be in a hospital.

Well Last night before i went to bed my BP was 160/70 and then this morning my SO mom woke me up ad took it it was 160/78.. im so confused right now is when i wish i had my mom here
should i call my DR.
i did have PreE, but I will not go into what happened. You need positive energy. Being on your feet has nothing to do with it. EAT PROTEIN. Get your doc to TRACK THIS, get a 24 hour urine collection NOW. You would probably not be indiced if you get PreE (and it certianly sounds like you have it) you would probably get a C-section. You are 34 weeks and you will be fine. Your baby will be fine if born now as well. You may not be fine if it gets worse.

For the record, I used to be a big pro-homebirther, pro-midwife, etc. I have swung 180 degrees the other way and now believe all births should be in a hospital.

Well Last night before i went to bed my BP was 160/70 and then this morning my SO mom woke me up ad took it it was 160/78.. im so confused right now is when i wish i had my mom here
should i call my DR.

The bottom number is what they are concerned about. At 70 and 78 it is not high at all. My doctor told me if it got to 90 or above, I was to call him immediately.
i did have PreE, but I will not go into what happened. You need positive energy. Being on your feet has nothing to do with it. EAT PROTEIN. Get your doc to TRACK THIS, get a 24 hour urine collection NOW. You would probably not be indiced if you get PreE (and it certianly sounds like you have it) you would probably get a C-section. You are 34 weeks and you will be fine. Your baby will be fine if born now as well. You may not be fine if it gets worse.

For the record, I used to be a big pro-homebirther, pro-midwife, etc. I have swung 180 degrees the other way and now believe all births should be in a hospital.

Well Last night before i went to bed my BP was 160/70 and then this morning my SO mom woke me up ad took it it was 160/78.. im so confused right now is when i wish i had my mom here
should i call my DR.

If you are concerned at all, phone them.

make sure they are keeping an eye on your pre-eclampsia - it's serious stuff. If it's mild they may be able to medicate you to keep the blood pressure under control.
as it happens, if my blood pressure goes over 140/90 then I need to go to hospital immediately for the baby's sake.

take it easy, lie back, and keep the doctors informed about your blood pressure and your swelling etc.
they may want you to go into hospital to monitor you.

if it's bad enough you'll have your baby sooner than you expected - don't worry, the baby will be fine if that happens.
I know someone who was monitored for pre-eclampsia for 3 separate weeks during her first pregnancy - the child is now 16 and full of attitude.

So try not to stress about it, just keep an eye on it
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My child is going to receive all of his or her blood. I'm going to have them delay cord clamping until the cord stops pulsing if not longer. It is a very interesting topic. If your interested I recommend you look into it. It is what animals do and what our anscesters did.
Let me just say this kid is starting to make me tired. I'll be 36 weeks on Wednesday and I've been working double shifts the past 2 weeks b/c the vet I work with has been out of town (I had my vacation before that). Thank goodness the double shifts are over, but performing CPR on a dog tonight about did me in. I was huffing and puffing so much faster than normal.
I don't even have the baby's room ready, so I'm not ready for him to be here, but I'm ready to get him out.
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