I cant believe its been a year!!

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Oh Turbo! NG tubes are No Fun At All.... but I'd be surprised if a wee one that early didn't have a bit of jaundice. Don;t worry, you'll have a glowing space baby for a few weeks and he;ll be grand.

ULTRASOUND TODAY.... good growth curve! Good measurements! SHe looks healthy and happy.... I am just holding in there. At 29 weeks now, trying to take it easy. Got to see her face, how she looks so sweet.
Happy - glad your ultra sound went so well today! Good Luck with keeping the little one in there for a few more weeks! My son was born at 26 weeks and weighed 2 pounds! He was in the NICU for 81 days - that was NO fun!
Hey Kelly!
I left on May 9th headed for Alaska! We drove there and visited LOTS of places along the way like the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas and San Francisco and a lot more. I was thrilled to meet of our BYC friends - ChickensRCool in Sterling, AK. What a LOVELY Lady! Anyway, we were gone for 2 months! I was a wonderful trip!! I got sick on the way home and am just now getting back online here and chatting. Glad to see your little man and you are doing good!

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Wow...what a trip! I know you were going to Alaska, but didn't know you were doing the cross-country thing too! You must come visit me and share pictures.
Glad you're feeling better. Did all the animals do ok while you were gone?
We had such a wonderful time! Never thought I would like San Francisco - but I did! Alcatraz was really interesting. We drove up parts of the west coast in both CA and Oregon - it was BEAUTIFUL! I am slowly going through the pics and deciding which ones will go into the albums. It is taking a while to do as I took...... guess how many pics I took....... Heehee - I took 10,485 pics!!! But I am working on the pics, it is just taking some time.

I would love to come visit when I get them done! My critters did very well while I was gone. I got rid of ALL of my pheasants (except the peacock pheasants) and quail before I left and earlier in the spring I had stopped hatching chicks so I don't have many birds here anymore mostly my old ladies that hardly lay anymore and a few others. My Son took care of them for me and he did a pretty good job.

What happened to everyone? I bet your all as busy as me with school starting. I have 1 high schooler, 1 5th grader (at a charter school in another city), 2 Kindergartners (in a different charter school in another city), and the baby who eats all the time. The worst is the kindergartners because they are in school only 3 hours each day which means 3-4 trips a day to pick up at each of the three schools or Three hours doing something else nearby to save gas going back and forth. Kindergarten is such a hassle! How is everyone else doing?
My belly is just growing and the baby has started kicking a lot harder. We are almost 23 weeks. We have an anterior placenta (on the front) so a lot of movement has been muffled. We are hoping that before my next ultrasound in 4 weeks that the placenta will have moved off from the cervix. At 19 weeks it was a marginal previa and they put me on pelvic rest. If it is still over my cervix later in pregnancy I will most likely start to bleed and have to have a c-section early. It scares me, but I'm just hoping for placenta to move now.
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