I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

The weirdest thing happened to me a couple nights during this past week. Our house is the last one on our street and butts up against a large field that is bordered by trees. We're in an urban area, so this little "wild" area attracts a good amount of wildlife - I've seen armadillo, rabbits, deer, and possum in the field. Our coop is built within a few feet of the wire fence that separates our yard from the field.

During the day, our chickens get to roam the yard. One evening it was getting dark and I thought about putting the birds up, but I had the strongest urge to take one of my .22 rifles with me. I ignored the urge and went out to put up our birds. I was gathering them up and tossing them into the coop when I heard something making its way through the undergrowth in the trees of the field right next to our fence. It was dark and I had my flashlight, so I walked to the fence and peeked on the other side to see a raccoon peeking back at me, its eyes reflecting the light. I shouted at it and kicked the fence to scare it off, then finished putting my birds away and went inside to grab the .22 after-all. I went out half an hour later and that little sneak was in the same area, but hurried off when it saw my light. I checked a couple other times before going to bed and kept hearing it or something else around our property line.

Last night almost the same thing happened with the urge to take my rifle with me and then seeing the raccoon again! I ordered one of the Duke DP traps today and we'll see how successful I am with it. The raccoon looks like it's fairly young and I haven't seen any raccoons in our yard.

On a side note, my Dad worked for a certain state's game/fish department and there were many times where his manager would get a call to come remove wildlife from a local family's property. Many times the family wanted the "poor animals" relocated. The Department's personnel knew that was a more cruel solution than dispatching the animal, so the policy was to tell the concerned citizens that, of course, Mr. Raccoon would find a new home. Of course, that home was a dirt room without a view.
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I like that. Dirt room without a view! Lol! He was very tactful though, dealing with the public. Good job!
On a side note, there was a study done in Minnesota regarding the rehabbing of whitetail deer fawns. Results were very disappointing. Very few survived, even with the best treatment. I've got to say too, that unless you see the dead doe, don't think that any fawn you find is an orphan. Same for rabbits. Does spend about 5 minutes a day tending their young. This is how 'well meaning' folks screw up.
I wonder how long it takes to catch more. I caught one last week and haven't seen/caught one since...and that one last week was the first one I've seen here since we moved in on January 19th. He was a juvenile, so he HAS to have littermates. 
Is it possible his buddies were around when he got trapped? Then they will be trap shy. Happened to me. I got pics of more than one coon on my trail cam. One got trapped & no more will take the bait. Frustrating! Think I'll move trap somewhere else. It might help.
My opinion is that coon are pretty smart. When I catch one in my back yard I like to wash out the trap & change what I used to put the bait in. Right now I'm using a cage trap. I also like to relocate the trap.
Last spring we lost 6 of our chickens in a very short period of time to raccoons. We caught 11 coons in a live trap. I can't stand coons. The more die...the better
Another satisfied customer at Duke's DP Cafe last night. They all seem to love the midnight special of mini marshmallows drizzled with sweet syrup.
Lol... no pics today. I had to dispatch discretely using .22 with CB round. The girls had a sleepover last night and were all sleeping just inside the patio door from the "cafe". Nobody even stirred when I fired the shot to dispatch. Nice quiet rounds.:)

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