I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

I frequently use a Ruger .177 air rifle to kill raccoons. It's quiet, cheap and effective. $80 at my local pawn shop and I can kill a coon at 30 yards with it, good shot between the eyes or in the back of the neck. I would suggest trying it out, especially if you're going to be shooting them close.
I frequently use a Ruger .177 air rifle to kill raccoons. It's quiet, cheap and effective. $80 at my local pawn shop and I can kill a coon at 30 yards with it, good shot between the eyes or in the back of the neck. I would suggest trying it out, especially if you're going to be shooting them close.
I will have to look into this!
Cci makes a quiet 22 round that is no louder than a air rifle. Also I knew a guy who would kill coons with a broom stick a quick stiff shot to the bridge of the nose close to the eyes did the trick. Another option would be judo points on your arrow a shot with that to the head would be quick and less messy I assume, just a couple idears for ya
I use a Cold Steel 'Big Bore' Professional Blowgun when I can't utilize a firearm. It hit's about as hard as a .22 and is about as silent as they come. A variety of ammunition is available to deal with various predators or nuisances, and the blowgun itself is made durable and can be used to apply a devastating amount of blunt force. There is a learning curve, but nothing that can't be overcome with repetition.
Interesting! Wonder if they sell blowguns in Canada?
I've got those CCI sub-sonic rounds for the .22. Does make it less quiet, much like an air rifle. I'd be worried about the legalities of it in the city though.
There's gotta be a kind of broadhead you can use that will take out a coon instantly.

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