I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Love the pics up top I live in northern NY and have a bad predator prob this year wasn't having much luck trapping so last night I did a walk every hour and shot a fisher a skunk and a coon all in about four hours I needed a win and I'm gonna be out there again to night 870 express!!!!
I saw someone state earlier in this post that a pellet gun is not a firearm, while that is inherently true most people wouldn't kow the difference at a glance. In the town where I live in Missouri, the ordinance states that all weapons that fire a projectile are illegal to discharge in the city limits. This is all inclusive: bows, crossbows, pellet guns, bb guns, rifle, shotguns, handguns, and blowguns. I've even had a bit of trouble with AirSoft guns that I had bought for my son to learn proper gun safety and to learn to shoot. (Nosey neighbors!
Fortunately I haven't had to deal with predators yet...but I wont hesitate to pull out the super shorts for the .22.
yes, I'm enjoying this thread myself.  I am not a gun owner (yet) - but my father in law, who lives on the property with us, is... and he's very good with his .22.  He's getting up there in age, though, so I think I need him to teach me a thing or two.  Thought about "professional" lessons, as I've never really shot a gun. Ok, when I was about 17 someone took me out to shoot some kind of long barreled handgun and it kicked back so hard I decided then and there that guns weren't for me.  Well, I have grown up and purchase a small parcel of land and have learned that I need to know how to properly and quickly kill these predators.  Opinions?  Take a "real" class, or let my father in law take me to a range and teach me? Obviously the FIL option is cheaper.. but I want "proper" training...  input welcome.

  I caught a possum last night..  guess he'll probably meet the same fate..  not sure if they are as dangerous to my chickens, but he walked in for some marshmallows, so... 
Personally, my hubby took the classes (have to in Canada to own or discharge a firearm) first, then recommended my teen son & I do it too. Was well worth it! Safety is so important & getting to know your local laws. Keep it legal & safe. Be responsible. Target practice is a blast too if you have the space to set up a range, or join a club if you can't.

And yes, possums be real bad to chickens! Get on that ASAP!
I also am very new to raising chickens and am very glad this post wasn't "Flagged" ... This needs to be shown and I appreciate the information in case this is something I run into. So far, we have been lucky and only seen 1 opossum about 4 months ago and nothing since (but I am always on the watch).
I also am very new to raising chickens and am very glad this post wasn't "Flagged" ... This needs to be shown and I appreciate the information in case this is something I run into. So far, we have been lucky and only seen 1 opossum about 4 months ago and nothing since (but I am always on the watch).
Very good to be watchful!
I'm glad we can all learn from this thread. :)
Thank you, Shellz, I was thinking the same thing. It will cost some money, but I'd prefer to be properly trained, as this is serious business, not something to take lightly. and that possum (yes, I know.. opossum) I caught, taken care of. Thanks!

And OrganicHouse... I was "lucky" for my first 4 months, too... I thought I had a safe setup, where I'd let them into their yard during the day and put them up into their house each evening. Those Raccoons DUG their way in. I have since "fortified" all the bottom edges, but, please know, even if you are in the city, you really can't get confident of your safety. Chickens are vulnerable to a host of different predators.. And it's very very painful and traumatic to go into your hen house and find that something got some of your girls. Always inspect and check for signs of digging...

yes, I'm enjoying this thread myself. I am not a gun owner (yet) - but my father in law, who lives on the property with us, is... and he's very good with his .22. He's getting up there in age, though, so I think I need him to teach me a thing or two. Thought about "professional" lessons, as I've never really shot a gun. Ok, when I was about 17 someone took me out to shoot some kind of long barreled handgun and it kicked back so hard I decided then and there that guns weren't for me. Well, I have grown up and purchase a small parcel of land and have learned that I need to know how to properly and quickly kill these predators. Opinions? Take a "real" class, or let my father in law take me to a range and teach me? Obviously the FIL option is cheaper.. but I want "proper" training... input welcome.

I caught a possum last night.. guess he'll probably meet the same fate.. not sure if they are as dangerous to my chickens, but he walked in for some marshmallows, so...

Give the Father In Law the Honor to instruct you, start with the 22 and get comfortable then work you way up to other guns.. You can then look at the option of taking a class for hand gun carry..

Have Fun !!

Opossums will kill chickens also.
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Please look into your laws there. For me, I would rather be able to shoot & kill quickly. Drowning would be a last resort. Do whatever is legal for you to do. I won't think any less of you. Good luck!

Please look into your laws there. For me, I would rather be able to shoot & kill quickly. Drowning would be a last resort. Do whatever is legal for you to do. I won't think any less of you. Good luck!

Yeah I would rather shoot them with a bow "illegally or not" than drown them.

Raccoon and coyote may be taken on private property by a property owner or designee all year if they are doing or about to do damage on private property. A license or written permit is not needed.

It says I can shoot it with a 22 but I dont know about that being in the city

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