I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Oh preventing coons ect is even better as can use really hot chilli powder that most things hate. my chickens loved the ghost chilli especially though. my cat and dog wouldn't even get near when called ect.
I pray you check the traps often often often and kill as quick as possible. Coons are only trying to survive and so many people with anger toward them. I have also killed(live rural,use gun) and will investigate this trap but it looks as if it could harm an innocent "just passing thru" critter.

I check my trap (I only have 2 of them) every morning. I dispatch right away although state law allows me 24 hours.
I'd try anything once, but.....nah. Couldn't do it. I buried it with some agricultural lime. No scent to attract other critters that way.
Where can I get a trap like that?

If you're talking about the Dukes dp trap I got mine off ebay.
Ha, ha! I know what you mean! I've always had purebreds before Jake & they had their issues. I once had a boxer that was dumb as a sack of hammers! I ended up surrendering him back to the breeder when he chewed up my wedding gown that my dear mother made. Oye!
We had a boxer that was the dumbest dog ever. He tried climbing out of a second story window only problem was there was a window air conditioner in the way. He also ate our couch we ended up finding him a new home because he was an escape artist.
Oh preventing coons ect is even better as can use really hot chilli powder that most things hate. my chickens loved the ghost chilli especially though. my cat and dog wouldn't even get near when called ect.

So do you just spread it around ?
Woo hoo! Excellent! You must have quite the infestation! What's the body count now?!

14 coons & 1 mole lol....

Yeah im sloooowly eradicating them in my area. I think a neighbor is feeding them or leaving cat/dog food out because we keep catching them on the same trap in the back. We haven't caught one by the chicken coop in a while. So there not on my property (small city lot).
Chilli powder or ground pepper, as really just cleaned out spices at time, was put out to keep my guinea pigs and dutch bunnies out of garden and from digging way out under pen, but turned out only line around were ever i didn't want furred ones to cross worked great. made eggs of games taste spiced as said they enjoyed eating it. pepper or mustard powder in dried out egg shells will detour pets, pests and preds, from wanting to get even near more. plus if a pred gets into a chill/mustard egg you'll know, as it'll completely spaz and crash into everything trying to clean mouth and face rubbing raw on everything, cause more licks paws and rubs the more itll burn. heard of guy who was using paintball gun with pepper rounds in them, to detour BOPs from his pigeons, non leathal and I'm sure would work for anything else.
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