I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Chilli powder or ground pepper, as really just cleaned out spices at time, was put out to keep my guinea pigs and dutch bunnies out of garden and from digging way out under pen, but turned out only line around were ever i didn't want furred ones to cross worked great. made eggs of games taste spiced as said they enjoyed eating it. pepper or mustard powder in dried hollowed out egg will detour pets, pests and preds, from

interesting I will have to try that..
Yep, that's a coon all right! Good job! Wonder how many more will be coming?
hopefully non
These traps are CRUEL. There is NO justification for cruelty. A well constructed coop WILL keep your chickens safe from raccoons, and killing them may satisfy your (unreasonable) urge for "revenge" (who gets revenge on US for eating when we're hungry?) but it will NOT stop them from coming. More will move in to fill the void. As long as there are food sources, there will be raccoons, opossums, skunks, rats, and mice.

It takes a bit of WORK to secure the food sources and the coop, but once done the overpopulation problem of opportunists will decrease.

Traps and arrows are for those who prefer cruelty over work. I sure hope there IS a God!!!
Coon is Good with hot pepper and other spices :D

Catch'em and Dispatch them, and if you are Close to West TN, I have a place that will recycle them.

Good Luck on the Trapping !
These traps are CRUEL.  There is NO justification for cruelty.  A well constructed coop WILL keep your chickens safe from raccoons, and killing them may satisfy your (unreasonable) urge for "revenge" (who gets revenge on US for eating when we're hungry?) but it will NOT stop them from coming.  More will move in to fill the void.  As long as there are food sources, there will be raccoons, opossums, skunks, rats, and mice. 

It takes a bit of WORK to secure the food sources and the coop, but once done the overpopulation problem of opportunists will decrease. 

Traps and arrows are for those who prefer cruelty over work.  I sure hope there IS a God!!!


I completely understand where you are coming from, but this isn't the place to post this. If you read the rules for the "Predator and Pests" section, it states this forum section is for people looking how to rid of predator and pests, it is not a place to critize/argue ways people manage their problems. That is how threads get locked.

I just want to give you some information, in case you didn't know. I am not trying to start any sort of rubuddle, I am just showing a different perspective.
I have completely predator proofed my coop, nothing has gotten close to getting in, but still occasionally have a problem with raccoons/fox/opossums coming in. They will still visit your property, trying to get lucky if you have chickens. Not to mention, they will cause destruction to whatever they can and despite our best efforts, I find raccoons on top of my run, in my garbage, and trying to get into my hunting blinds.
Raccoons carry a number of diseases/parasites transmittable to humans and pets. Distemper and rabies are just to name a few. It is very common for them to have these diseases. They are spread through coming in contact with their droppings. You or one of your pets could accidentally come in contact with these dropping very easy and get distemper or rabies. They also are common carriers of hookworm, roundworm and ringworm. All of those are transmittable to you or any pets. Raccoons are also aggressive. I had one almost kill my cat, in front of me. $400 of vet bills later, she was okay thankfully.
The OP clearly has an overabundance of raccoons and they cause a lot of damage and are not safe to have around, whether the chickens are properly protected or not. OP is doing the right thing.
I have trapped/killed over 50 raccoons and opossums over the past year at my house. The neighbors have thanked me because of the problems they were causing and I have not seen nearly as many around now. On just our trail camera, we were counting 10+ a night visiting, all of which were extremely fat. Point being, they aren't starving in the least.
I am an animal lover and in school to become a vet, but I love my animals more. I can't risk anything that can harm them. Raccoons and opossums are two of the animals I kill on sight because of reasons listed above. They are just too destructive to keep around, in my opinion.
Again not meaning to start anything, just wanted to inform you of the other perspective.
These traps are CRUEL. There is NO justification for cruelty. A well constructed coop WILL keep your chickens safe from raccoons, and killing them may satisfy your (unreasonable) urge for "revenge" (who gets revenge on US for eating when we're hungry?) but it will NOT stop them from coming. More will move in to fill the void. As long as there are food sources, there will be raccoons, opossums, skunks, rats, and mice.

It takes a bit of WORK to secure the food sources and the coop, but once done the overpopulation problem of opportunists will decrease.

Traps and arrows are for those who prefer cruelty over work. I sure hope there IS a God!!!

for me it has nothing to do with revenge, it has to do with protecting my flock and family. i have two young kids and the diseases carried by coons, possums and other vermin is not something i want my kids around i trap and dispatch animals as quickly and humainly as possible. i worked hard on my coop and am always securing and working on it to make it better. Theres NO shortage of preds and other vermin in my area.
These traps are CRUEL.  There is NO justification for cruelty.  A well constructed coop WILL keep your chickens safe from raccoons, and killing them may satisfy your (unreasonable) urge for "revenge" (who gets revenge on US for eating when we're hungry?) but it will NOT stop them from coming.  More will move in to fill the void.  As long as there are food sources, there will be raccoons, opossums, skunks, rats, and mice. 

It takes a bit of WORK to secure the food sources and the coop, but once done the overpopulation problem of opportunists will decrease. 

Traps and arrows are for those who prefer cruelty over work.  I sure hope there IS a God!!!


1.) thanks for sharing you have a right to state your opinion.
2.) I think these traps are wonderfully UNcrule an completly humaine. BECAUSE I could just throw every coon I catch in a hole in the ground with no food but each other an watch as they eat each other alive.. But I DONT so I view these traps as not that cruel...
3.) shooting coons with arrows is FUN FUN FUN FUN OHH ITS FUN IN THE SUN!!!! Plus it's not cruel there are WAY wrose ways that I won't starter but they prove its not cruel.
4,) NOBODY asked you to come an give your opposing opinion we were all just chatting about protecting our flock.
5.) your last sentence says "I sure hope there IS a God" ....... Are you saying that we will go see the devil man instead of The Lord when we die because we kill coons? Because if so let me tell you that it is a GOD GIVIN right to hunt an kill animals! I personally EAT ALL animals I kill unless the have a disease.
6.) I don't hunt for revenge... You said "who gets revenge on us for eating when we get hungry" ... It's not about revenge we are OMNIVORES it's are nature to eat an it has nothing to do about revenge....
7.) you said it takes "WORK" to built a preditor proof coop an store feed away from the pest... I'm sure we all did ALOT of WORK to build and secure are coops.
8.) "unreasonable" well, that's not right... I have a very good reason to hunt coons
(1.) my instinctual need to kill an eat what I kill
9.) my coop is INVINCIBLE no coon can get in it. I don't hunt coons becuase if my chickens I've hunted coons for years an years an it is pure awesome.
10.) we all have different views an perspectives but what I just said is what I think an you said what you think an I see where your bleeding heart comes from (not REALY but whatever) so just clam down an remember YOU did not have to come to this thread an see all the traps an dead coons it was YOUR CHOICE not ours.
These traps are CRUEL. There is NO justification for cruelty. A well constructed coop WILL keep your chickens safe from raccoons, and killing them may satisfy your (unreasonable) urge for "revenge" (who gets revenge on US for eating when we're hungry?) but it will NOT stop them from coming. More will move in to fill the void. As long as there are food sources, there will be raccoons, opossums, skunks, rats, and mice.

It takes a bit of WORK to secure the food sources and the coop, but once done the overpopulation problem of opportunists will decrease.

Traps and arrows are for those who prefer cruelty over work. I sure hope there IS a God!!!

Awwwwww.... Can't we all just get along? The answer is NO!!

As posted before, YOU are out of line posting this here. It is our(my) business and right to trap and eradicate with extreme prejudice ANY type of animal that thinks it's okay to use my animals as a source of food for it's own survival. Me and mine come first. End of story. It is your right to think that trapping is cruel but it is not your place to impress your thoughts on others. And no, the trapping and dispatching of varmints is nowhere near as cruel as one of them grabbing an animal through metal mesh and feeding on it while it's still alive.
Awwwwww.... Can't we all just get along? The answer is NO!!

As posted before, YOU are out of line posting this here. It is our(my) business and right to trap and eradicate with extreme prejudice ANY type of animal that thinks it's okay to use my animals as a source of food for it's own survival. Me and mine come first. End of story. It is your right to think that trapping is cruel but it is not your place to impress your thoughts on others. And no, the trapping and dispatching of varmints is nowhere near as cruel as one of them grabbing an animal through metal mesh and feeding on it while it's still alive.

X 10000000000000000000000000000000000
I just want to make clear the purpose of this forum.

*This forum is for dealing with predators and pests. Period.

*If information is graphic, please note it in the subject line of your post so members can make a decision whether they want to open the thread or not. If you choose to open a thread with said warnings, it is not BYC's responsibility when you are offended.

*Dealing with predators and pests is not always pleasant. Although sometimes hard to do, please be as sensitive as possible when explaining procedures and results. Some younger members and/or squeamish adults will appreciate it.

*Although some ways are not considered ideal to some, it serves the purpose of removing the offending predator. If you have an idea or a helpful comment, please do reply. If it is a sarcastic comment about the disposal or capture of a predator, please keep your thoughts to yourself. We are not here to judge one another on methods or ways and means.

*That being said, please do not gloat or suggest torturous ways of killing for pleasure or indeed, post in such a way that your predator control can be construed as pleasure killing instead of simply taking care of a problem.

*Compassion will go a long way toward helping to educate and help solve someone's predator problem. No matter the reason, most members' birds are their pets and being a chicken doesn't make it less of a pet than a house cat or companion dog. Please don't lecture or hassle anyone about their losses. Glass houses......

*If you wish to suggest an alternate non lethal means of control, please share it in a non judgmental way that is a viable solution and not merely complaining about who was here first etc, IF it is directly related to the OP's request for assistance. If a non lethal alternative is offered, please be appreciative and remember that there are many ways and means and flaming a member for suggesting such an alternative will not be tolerated.

*It is the responsibility of the person with the predator to determine the legalities of what they do and that person will take ultimate responsibility. BYC does not condone illegal acts.

For instance, Trapping..this is a legal defense and it is not open for debate whether you prefer this method or not. This forum is designed as an aid to those who are having predator problems. It is not a debate forum on ethics.

*Please keep this in mind as we all learn from one another how to deter predators. Thanks.


I started this thread to try to educate. I was one of those that kept saying "We do not have any day time predators". Boy was I wrong I was seeing raccoons while there was still light out (at 10:30 am) . Not only did we see 1 raccoon out in broad daylight we saw 4 !!! I trap & kill these predators as humanely as possible, although part of me wants set them on fire alive
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