I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Sounds like a good plan. Hubby has a compound & now a recurve. All good!

My hubby would be uncomfortable with the 'redneck' label, (got him to watch Duck Dynasty though, lol!) but I don't care. A label doesn't mean anything to me - I am what I am. If doing away with vermin that pose a threat to my poultry, makes me a redneck....so be it!

Now let's all TCOB (take care of business) the best ways we all know how!
I've never skinned one. let alone eaten one. I've heard beaver makes a good roast too. Had to shoot one of those too in our pond. Nearly killed our dog. Never would have thought to eat it. Trouble is, I'm game to try new things, but the rest of the family isn't. I can't even get hubby to support meat rabbits. That's some great lean protein right there!
I've never tried coon. I'd probably be up to it, but my missus won't. Heck, she won't even try squirrels or rabbits. I can't even get her to eat catfish, though she'll eat creepy crawlies off the ocean floor. I reckon if you put enough gravy or barbecue sauce on it, it might be good.
Coon is a fatty dark meat. Eaten grilled, baked, or pan fried it will taste like greasy duck (which I like, but alot don't), so southerners typically make a stew out of them since the fat makes it's own gravy. Slow cooked in a crock pot is the way to go, imho. Then it's more like a tender roast beef.

There's nothing like fresh meat, and coon is very tender, rich, and flavorful.

Coon tastes alot better than possum, so there's a reference point for you.
Well, had a coon in the yard but I think it was there last night when his buddy got trapped. He didn't go for the bait. Ah well. Maybe something more irresistible to use for bait? Canned salmon worked for the first 2, but I ran out. Tuna didn't work, maybe canned shrimp?
I'm using Marshmallows with GREAT results. My problem is... ants. If a raccoon doesn't happen to come that night, ants are all over the marshmallow. (would have the same problem with anything I put out there. Yes, I have put ant poison out.. these Texas ants are TOUGH!) - so my dad gave me a great idea:

tie some thin string (fishing line) to a toothpick. stick the toothpick through the marshmallow, and level it ou, so that the marshmallow is "sitting" on the parallel toothpick. Then, drop it down into the back of the trap, leave it hanging, and tie the other end of the fishing line to another bigger stick on top of the trap. Want to use a big enough stick that will support pulling and not fall through, although by then, you've already caught your critter. This way, ants are LESS likely to get to the marshmallow.

And all this talk about EATING raccoon is kinda disgusting. But then, I"m a girl. I'll eat most "normal" meats, including fish and shrimp... but no oysters or "weird" meats.. <shudder>
Yeah, a trail of mini marshies gets them in, but now this one is trap shy. Where can I get a duke trap in Ontario, Canada?
I think I would try any critter (as long as it won't kill me) if it were served up to me. But don't think I could actually prepare it myself. I've had rattlesnake, alligator, emu, bison. Looking forward to prepping our own deer from our property during the fall hunting season.

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