I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

I never got around to taking pics of the coon we caught. The next day we caught another. Now I hear something moving around outside. As of right now we have caught and dispatched 16 coons 1 zombie coon 1 skunk that sprayed me and a mole
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What do you guys do with the carcasses I am running out of room to bury...we dont have a very big yard I was thinking of digging a huge hole in the sideyard so I can have a mass grave lol.....either that or start a huge fire
Wow! That's a lot of critters! I haven't run out of room yet to bury them. Would be interesting to hear other suggestions though.

Something grabbed some bait just inside the trap, but didn't get the stuff at the back. Wish I had another trail cam!
What do you guys do with the carcasses I am running out of room to bury...we dont have a very big yard I was thinking of digging a huge hole in the sideyard so I can have a mass grave lol.....either that or start a huge fire
I have never, and will never, take the time to bury a critter. I take them up the road and fling them to the side so the buzzards can eat them. Why waste time digging and burying?
I'd do that, if it weren't for my dogs. There was a road kill rabbit my dog went after. Ugh! Then they like to roll around on top of these dead critters. Wish I had a beat up truck to throw carcasses in & take further out. For now burying with agricultural lime works to keep everything out of the burial site. Also helps critter decompose faster. I think burning would be a smelly option?
If it's garbage day, the day I shoot, yeah. Otherwise I've got nowhere to put it till then. We also have limits on what we can put on the curb, even in the country. Even weight limits. Perhaps another compost bin for kills would help. I wonder if there's a limit to how many of those, you can put out? Hmmm,....

Anyway, SUCCESS!!!
Used a trail of stale mini marshies to get this big girl in! Those sardines were getting pretty ripe in there, lol! Chicken leg didn't hurt either. That brings my count up to 4. Hubby missed his chance again.

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