I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

When will the activity stop or slow down? Since i started keeping chickens this spring i have killed 8 raccoons and 4 opossoums. It is like im not even putting a dent in the population.
If you live around a bunch of other folks it may only slow down till the next one comes threw, neighborhood coons have lots of food options when there are lots of houses in the area, so that is where they live, lots of hiding place also.
I live away from folks so my coons population is small and i have never lost a bird to a coon here and i have had them here over 30 years, I have dogs so they keep things in check .
Here is my solution for predator carcasses.....

Coons and possums are acceptable human food, right?

I have a 10 quart crock pot that I cook things in for my girls to eat..... Most coons fit just right! After they cook for about 6 hours my girls line right up for dinner :)

Talk about sweet revenge! And a free meal to boot!
Yeah, so after a season of predator-free bliss, my flock got hit by a new predator I hadn't counted on. A mink grabbed 2 young cockerels just before lock-up one evening. Heads gone, one stuffed under old coop (kicking my a** for not tearing it down sooner), the other with neck caught under the corner of same coop. Several days later I heard an animal scream. Thanks coyote, or fox. :D My dogs would've never gotten that sneaky b**tard! Been 2 weeks now & no sign of anything in the yard. Trail cam & traps empty. I'm getting some Nite Guard units anyway. These guys are sneaky as heck!
Here is my solution for predator carcasses.....

Coons and possums are acceptable human food, right?

I have a 10 quart crock pot that I cook things in for my girls to eat..... Most coons fit just right! After they cook for about 6 hours my girls line right up for dinner

Talk about sweet revenge! And a free meal to boot!
waist not want not
Mine go into a black garbage bag and off to the dump....I don't think I can bring myself to skin one of these coons that live in someones crawl space and lives off garbage, etc.
Actually I did not want to waste time digging a big hole.........lots of free protein......
Doesn't it take more time to skin, gut and cook a coon than dig a hole?
But I see your point in the free protein....plus an ironic justice.

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