I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Cooked 'coons are safe to eat and delicious!
Here's some recipes from a newsletter I get from Backwoods bound.com

If you also have problems with Opossums:
~ 1 opossum, remove most of the fat
~ garlic powder
~ salt
~ black pepper
~ rosemary
* Soak the possum in salt water overnight.
* Remove and rinse well with cold water.
* Cut into leg quarters. Cut out the backstraps.
* Season the meat liberally with the seasonings.
* Oil a large cast iron skillet and place meat in it.
* Cover with foil, shiny side toward meat.
* Bake in 300 degree pre-heated oven for 2 hours.
* Remove and let rest a few minutes.
* Serve and enjoy!

And no, they don't "taste like chicken"!
Up until about 100 years ago or until scientific poultry husbandry took off, coon was still in the running with turkey as the preferred thanksgiving meal. I think that it was President Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge who "pardoned" the last White House Thanksgiving raccoon.

If you want a hoot look up the "Coolidge Effect" as it relates to roosters and hens.
I'm so sorry i just found this post apparently my sister (2 years)
found the keyboard and had a little fun
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This is number 6...... Number 7 was with him...
Good for you! I only got 5 this season. The fifth had at least 2 buddies with him. Never caught another after that. Hope you have better luck. :)
I got him last night. ... the night before I caught a black cat and I could see the coon checking him out on the game cam. .. so they're not THAT smart. Cat must be hungry to eat mini marshmallows. ..I let the cat go.
In response to Kazfam, most wild game contains parasites such as worms, protozoa, bacteria, fleas and ticks.
Skinning, gutting and cooking* thoroughly will take care of most all of those dangers; unless you know of some cyst forming parasite that can survive through all of that?

I'd be obliged if you let us know, since I sure don't want to become a host!

*Not to mention salting and smoking...

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