I caught my husband sleeping with TWO chicks!!!

Katie Jo

11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Wadsworth, Ohio
Lol....on any other forum, you'd almost be able to hear the gasps.....

I think they really like him!!

The chicks discovered a hole in the side of the box....it's provided countless hours of entertainment for us AND the chicks!!!


That's it for now. They're lucky they're so cute, otherwise they'd be in the garage by now from the smell. They sure are stinky little buggers!!
What great pictures! I love the first one, they look so comfortable snuggled down on his chest.

We put holes in our boxes so our chicks can look out also. You are right, it's so much fun to watch them stick their heads out and then you get a rush where several are trying at the same time - it's funny.
Very nice! DH is obviously a fellow bird lover!

I'd say the chicks have a "handle" on the box life!
I wouldn't call him a bird "lover", more like a bird "tolerator"...lol. He's a good sport, though!

We LOVE watching the chicks play peek-a-boo with the box holes. It's hysterical. They have to think it's pretty funny too, otherwise they probably wouldn't keep doing it. Another fun game to watch is "who can land on the side of the box first".....when all 13 of them try to fly up at the same time to land on the side of the box to perch...only one or two ever make it though!
AWE what is it about MEN and birds... my husband LOVES the chickens (but he would NEVER admit it) he went all crazy building things for them before he left in january..... hopefull he will be home next week!!! we need more things built for the burdies!!!

BTW your hubbs looks like a closet bird lover... dont tell him that you know his dark secret..... and those babies are TOO cute!!!! what kind are they?
I suspected he might be a closet chicken lover....but he'd never admit it!

The two chicks sitting on my hubby are EE's. I have 13 chicks right now....4EEs (one of which is an olive egger)...3 buff orps, 1 RIR, and 5 blue/black/barred rocks. So far, the EE's have the best personality....totally calm and sweet. As soon as you pick them up they're ready to cuddle. The other chicks.....not so much. The buff orps are demon spawns.

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