I caught my husband sleeping with TWO chicks!!!

You better be careful you might lose him to them lol
I like your first photo - when your DH is asleep. The clucks are looking at you like, "Yeah, we're on him - whatchya gonna do about it?"

He always wanted to sleep with two chicks.......just not sure this is how he imagined it....lol!!!

He tries to act so tough, but inside he's a softy for animals. I catch him peaking in the brooder box with that little kid gleam in his eye.....I know he enjoys watching them!

Here's another pic just for fun....(see what I mean about the gleam in his eye? He's trying to look mad that he has chickies on him...I'm not so sure, tho!!)
Lol, that's okay krypton....we all have our days. On a business trip to Canada once, I was COMPLETELY amused by everything labeled in the metric system. We passed a Blockbuster (movies) with a sign that read "Keep your movies for 9 days!!" I proceeded to ask my husband how many days you get to keep them for in the metric system. He still hasn't let me live that one down....

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