I caught my husband sleeping with TWO chicks!!!

Very cute - and you are right - anywhere but here, sleeping with two chicks would be grounds for divorce! Hey - I just live in Wooster - if you ever need someone local to chat with, let me know! I have a sister in Wadsworth too - on Seville Rd - she has a little henhouse with a couple dozen Golden Buffs and looking for more, any breed, pullets or hens that are laying heavy.
YAY!!! It's so neat to find people who are local! I know right where Seville Rd is too, not that far from me....maybe a couple minutes. I'd have plenty if she wanted roos....not so sure on the hens yet. I just hatched 13 chicks a month ago, and it's looking like only 4 or 5 of the 13 are girls! (I have a thread going in the breed/gender forum with folks trying to guess the gender of my birds) The girls will be ready to lay July-ish? If I'm counting right, that is.
I love the pictures. They are soo cute. My family thinks I am crazy. All I talk about is how cute chickens are.
No roos for my sister - she doesn't want any boys upsetting the girls in her henhouse - I am currently setting 15 Light Brahmas and after that some Buckeyes so my henhouse could get overrun pretty quick!

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