I couldn't beleive it!!

7L Farm

9 Years
Jul 22, 2010
Anderson, Texas
Haven't been here for awhile so first off How are the Quail folks doing? Well here's the skinny & I mean skinny. I hatched some coturnix awhile back & have them in this pen.Well, its built with half inch hardware cloth & I've raised a many of quail in it. Just the other AM I go to check on the birds their about three weeks old. I look inside & what do I see a fricking snake. I'm thinking how did he get in there. I looked & I looked & nothing no holes NADA. Dang stupid snake did eat one quail. Don't worry he ain't coming back either he's in snake HEEEEELLLLLL. I guess its true if a snake can get his head in he can squeeze in. Made it through the half inch wire.
Wow! It is amazing what the sneaky buggers will do to get themselves a feed!!! I'm glad he is in snake hell..... although some might feel otherwise
I'm also glad that he didn't manage to eat any more of your quail! Luckily you found him! (we are implying it was a male, right? haha! I hope this isn't some sort of gender stereotyping!)

I have a similar cage made up for my game birds except it is on a steel base rather than a wooden one..... I found mouse poop in there the other week and was all puzzled about how they could have gotten up the legs of the box and in through the wire! Then I realised that there was small entry points along the roof line due to the corrugated roof that I have on top *duh*. Still fascinated about how they managed to climb up the steel legs though!

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