I cracked an egg! Is there any hope for it!

Don't cry. :hugs You can always try again next time and do the candling using some soft cushion or towel to avoid breaking the shell in case one slips out of your hand.
I'm not the original poster of this thread, but you are totally right. I have had an egg slip out of my hand while handling, so that is definitely some good advice.:hugs:hugs:hugs
I'm crying for the OP's egg... I really thought she could nail polish the crack, but obviously not with the broody hen rolling it around in the nest. *sniffle*
Don't cry. :hugs You can always try again next time and do the candling using some soft cushion or towel underneath to avoid breaking the shell in case one slips out of your hand.
A soft cushion is a good idea. However, I tripped on the stairs and the eggs flew out of my basket. :( Next time, walk up the stairs carefully.
Hopefully, OP's broody is sitting on some more eggs - I'm sending my good energy to your hatch @Chickstarrs!
She has 4 more eggs. 3 large blue ones (2 I am not sure if they are developing as I could not see much during candling, but it is also my first time) and 1 more little white egg. The white egg and one blue egg are definitely growing well.
And don't beat yourself up. This or similar happened to a lot of us while dealing with fertilized eggs for the first time and candling them.

And sometimes it happens to a broody too when returning to the nest and accidentally stepping on an egg.
Update: I removed the cracked egg right away.

2 of the eggs have hatched either last night or today. :weeI don't know which ones because my hen is determined to remained sitting and won't let me see them but I can hear them peeping and scratching underneath her. She is probably waiting on the little egg whose hatch date is tomorrow. :fl

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