I crossed a cream legbar with a ----- and this is what I got

Cool... they wont be austoxeable at hatch, But.... with leghorn blood you can see the males will have larger combs even at hatch. all of them will be white
I have some tetra tints. Do you think they will develop a little color like the tetras? any idea what you would get if I used exchequer leghorns instead?
I'm excited to find this thread! I have a 6 week old CCL roo that I am currently waiting (impatiently I might add) to grow up. I plan on crossing him with a variety of girls, just to play around with to see what happens. I have lots of EE girls, blue and wheaten marans, barred rocks, BOs, RIRs, and black jersey giants. Should make for some interesting colored eggs layers!
I'm excited to find this thread! I have a 6 week old CCL roo that I am currently waiting (impatiently I might add) to grow up. I plan on crossing him with a variety of girls, just to play around with to see what happens. I have lots of EE girls, blue and wheaten marans, barred rocks, BOs, RIRs, and black jersey giants. Should make for some interesting colored eggs layers!
sounds great. you will have to post pics when you get to that stage. My first 3 leghorn/ccl test eggs are doing great. they are a little over a week. I have some 1 and 2 week old chicks. legbar roo over white creasted black polish and legbar over frizzled cochin. polish cross are brown and starting to get some patterns on the feathers. all were born with white on the head. not sure if that means anything.
I have hatching as we speak Cream Legbar x Silver Laced Cochins. 7 eggs in bator one hatched and the other 6 have pipped. I don't think I have been more excited for a hatch than this one. I cant wait until they all grow up so I can see what I got out of them. I am hoping for colorful fluffy chickens. I haven't read through this thread yet to see if it was discussed but does anyone know if chicks will be barred or laced?

edited to add- all 7 eggs hatched and chicks are so cute. pics to come once they go into the brooder
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are these from your legbar roo? can't wait to see pics.
Yes my Legbar Roo over a Silver Laced Cochin. The chicks are all adorable and all hatched out pretty much the same color, kind of a black and silver chipmunk(2 have a brownish tinge and green tinged legs)

This is Mookey my Legbar

ANd this is Cochin(un-original I know) my SLCochin

and these are there chicks

very pretty. I wonder what color they will be.
I have polish legbars and frizzled cochin legbars. everyone is barred. wondering if the hens could be used for sex links.

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