I crossed a cream legbar with a ----- and this is what I got



More mystery sneaky hen pics.
So my sneaky cream legbar hen hatched out 5 babies under a bush. Dad is also a cream legbar. Only one chick is hers. I originally thought they were from either Wyandotte or barred rock but not so sure now. The other 4 could be from silver laced Wyandotte, golden laced Wyandotte, Easter eager (gold), light brahma, salmon favorelle, barred rock, RIR, back sex link, or red Sex linked. One has alot of gold barring, another has a touch. Any ideas on gender and mix? pretty sure I have 3 boys.

The Wyandottes will produce chicks with rose combs (wedge shape). The Easter Egger and Brahma will both produce pea comb chicks. The Brahma and the Faverolle will produce chicks with feathered legs. The red sexlinks usually have dominant white, so you can eliminate those hens as a possibility. The Black sexlink hen is the most likely mother for most of those chicks.
I bought eggs off eBay that were Cream Legbar mixes. This is a chicken that I sold to a friend because it looked like a hen, even at 6-10 weeks old. He is now very obviously a rooster and funny looking in my opinion. He has a pea comb the size of a Cream Legbar and flops over. He has a slight crest and a beard. His ear lobes are yellow. His legs are green and yellow. I'm guessing he's Cream Legbar and Americana.



I bought eggs off eBay that were Cream Legbar mixes. This is a chicken that I sold to a friend because it looked like a hen, even at 6-10 weeks old. He is now very obviously a rooster and funny looking in my opinion. He has a pea comb the size of a Cream Legbar and flops over. He has a slight crest and a beard. His ear lobes are yellow. His legs are green and yellow. I'm guessing he's Cream Legbar and Americana.

No Legbar or Ameraucana in that bird. He's an Easter Egger/White Leghorn cross.
No Legbar or Ameraucana in that bird. He's an Easter Egger/White Leghorn cross.

Because he's all write? Just curious. This is the picture the eBay seller had. It was said that there were only Legbar rooster over a different variety of hens. After I bought the eggs I noticed the, I'm assuming white/splash Americana in the back.

I ended selling all the chicks I hatched because I bought a pair of pure Cream Legbars. My friend can't have roosters and just gave this one back.
Because he's all write? Just curious. This is the picture the eBay seller had. It was said that there were only Legbar rooster over a different variety of hens. After I bought the eggs I noticed the, I'm assuming white/splash Americana in the back.

I ended selling all the chicks I hatched because I bought a pair of pure Cream Legbars. My friend can't have roosters and just gave this one back.
I can actually see a few cockerels/roosters in that shot. And no Ameraucana. It's the yellow skin that indicates that there is no Ameraucana in him. Ameraucana have white skin, and it's a dominant gene.
I thought I was hatching buff orpingtons but it turns out my cream legbars roosters that I hatched this spring have fully matured.




The bigger ones are three weeks older than the others. The older ones are a lot lighter than the younger ones. I initially thought they were all buff orp actually but realized as their wings started coming in that they weren't 100% buff Orpington, although I believe one of the three is a production red/cream legbar. So I tossed more in the incubator. The younger ones have two that have the eye liner and chipmunk stripes. Two of them are also quite light in color. So very interesting. So hoping to get some green eggs out of the situation.
3 out of 4 of the chicks I hatched a couple of weeks ago have a cream dot on their heads, which, in a pure cream Legbar at least, would indicate that they are cockerels. Could that sexlinked trait have carried over to these chicks? These are from a cream Legbar roo over a brown leghorn and ameraucana hen.

Also, I have some brown eggs from a cream Legbar roo over a New Hampshire Red hen in the incubator right now with some pure CL eggs. They should turn out to be olive eggers, right? Anyone have pics of this cross?
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