I.D. My chickens please?

My head hen is a golden comet, whose body looks much like yours. My husband and kids give her a bad wrap cause she is the fun police to the flock! But somebody has to be in charge! Lol she is a great hen! Yours are lovely!
My head hen is a golden comet, whose body looks much like yours.
Your hen is the same bird. Golden Comet and Isa Brown are both labels under which some hatcheries market their Red Sex Links. Red Sex Links are produced by crossing a red gene rooster with a silver gene hen, resulting in offspring that can be sexed by color at hatching (male chicks are whitish, female chicks are reddish). Other labels under which Red Sex Links are marketed include Red Star, Gold Sex Link, Gold Star, Brown Sex Link, Cinnamon Queen, Bovans Brown, Golden Buff, Golden Comet, Hubbard Golden Comet, Shaver Brown, Babcock Brown, Warrens, HyLines, Gold Lines, Lohmans, Lohmans Brown, Bovans Goldline, etc., but no matter which label they are marketed under, Red Sex Links are egg laying machines, outlaying either parent breed. It's one of the interesting quirks of hybridization.
My head hen is a golden comet, whose body looks much like yours. My husband and kids give her a bad wrap cause she is the fun police to the flock! But somebody has to be in charge! Lol she is a great hen! Yours are lovely!
Ha ha. that is too funny. My lead hen is right there helping me do whatever i'm doing. she does pitch a fit when i step on her toes by accident though. She was my buddy this morning, helping me eat left over grapes off the grape vine :)
i hesitate to answer the question "What kind are they?" when people come to visit now :)

LOL! Sex Links are one of the reasons I always ask, "what kind," on my posts rather than "what breed," as a lot of the chickens (like RSLs) that people own are actually hybirds and not true breeds.

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