I DARE you.

Please tell me you are making fun of me from my FB post.
For those who don't know, a blue moon is the second full moon to occur in one month. The moon is NOT BLUE!!!!

I was....

We need a PHEW! smilie.

Well, by golly, it sure as hades IS blue out hyar in Nuevo Mexico !!!

(Must be all that there Smog all you easterners git from our coal-fired power-plants......)

We're gonna build a few Nuke Plants soon............

THEN thet ole Moon'll be appearin' just a wee-bit orange, I reckon.

(Gotta get MORE POWER to our rural co-op electric utility so I can "upgrade" my BYC computer, don't ya know....)


P.S. We cain't burn CORN like they do in Iowa.......we only got "greasewood".
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Bluuuee Moon, You saw me standing alooone!


hey, I will try really hard to be nice, but I'm at work for the night ringing in the New Year at the Trauma Center. yippee.
and 'nice' is a four letter word.
so, phooey! I mean - Happy New Year!!!
now..now...stay on the straight and narrow...
keep thinking goood/happy thoughts..

Debi said we only have to do it for 24 hours... it'll be okay..
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*sigh* I'm a diiiiing bat...

Wendy honey, you are not a ding bat. I just happen to love the earth and space and I am OLD!!!! I read the news online several times a day.

And the moon IS always a very light blue - atmosphere colors it.
You are all so nice.

I'm happy to know each and every one of you because you have been kind to my face and also behind my back.

Have the happiest of New Years

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