I definitely want to do turkeys next year!!!!

I want to get turkeys too, but I'm intimidated by the "black head disease" they can get from chickens. Has anyone on the thread housed chickens and 1 or 2 turkeys together w/ out any problems?
I house my turkey with my guineas and no problems. And their pen is right next to the chicken pen.

As ofr breeding season, yes they do and I thought it was over but I did buy some royal palm eggs on ebay and wouldn't you know it, all four were fertile and are due to hatch in a week.

maybe i will try,,, still a little unsure,, i would feel better if it was the "right time of year" lol,,, but,, least i can "try" lol

maybe i will try,,, still a little unsure,, i would feel better if it was the "right time of year" lol,,, but,, least i can "try" lol

I'd wait on turkey eggs. Those on Ebay are outrageous. It's gonna cost
you at least $50 for a few eggs and you may end up with a 50% shipped
egg hatch. That's way too much money. I bet you can find live young
turkeys locally for a lot less locally.
I was going to ask simliar question about housing them together. It sounds like to feed the turkeys something other than laying pellets. If that is the case, I would think you need to keep them seperate so the chickens don't eat the turkey food and the other way around.
My turkeys live in the barn with my Cornish and fryers. They all eat the
same meat bird feed. My layers and silkies have their own seperate pens.

Turkeys and layers aren't a good mix IMO.

maybe i will try,,, still a little unsure,, i would feel better if it was the "right time of year" lol,,, but,, least i can "try" lol

I'd wait on turkey eggs. Those on Ebay are outrageous. It's gonna cost
you at least $50 for a few eggs and you may end up with a 50% shipped
egg hatch. That's way too much money. I bet you can find live young
turkeys locally for a lot less locally.

ya,, i think i may just wait and get them from ideal as chicks,,,, and the ONLY person i found with turkeys, have a ranch down on the border,, says he has all kinds of rio turks,,, just gotta catch em,, lol

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