I did my 4 meat ducks today.

Obsessed, do you really find it easier to do rabbits? I mean, I'm sure the killing/cleaning is easier, but is it easier overall, cuz the closer I get to killing my chickens, the more nervous I am, and I think the bunnies will be worse.
I don't find killing the ducks any different then doing chickens. We used 2 nails, an axe and stump just like when we do chickens. I knew that plucking would be harder so we opted to skin them. I read that you needed to use one block of wax for every duck when scalding and I didn't want to hassle with that. I sure wish the ducks weren't as messy to raise and you didn't have to raise them so long until butchering. I would much rather eat duck then chicken any day
I really do find the bunnies easier. I have done a few though (like 15). I don't keep them as pets. I don't pet them or play with them at all. They stay with the mom till they are roughly 6 weeks then they go to the grower cages.

As babies they are cute and cuddly but by 8 -11 weeks they have nails and scratch a lot. I let my two year old girl play with them but by six weeks she doesn't like them anymore. She gets mauled pretty bad. I raise them so that as some are ready for freezer camp a new batch is being born. That way she doesn't miss them. I raise Cal X NZ so they all look alike and you can't single one out as a favorite.

The hardest part is the killing. I won't pretend that it is easy or fun. It sucks and if you mess up and have to hear a rabbit scream it makes it 100 times worse. The killing, however, is over very quick (I use the broom stick method). And the cleaning is a snap. So I think that is why I like them better. They are also not as messy or stinky.

I hope that answers your questions.
You guys are killing me you know! I still walk by my duck and tell him I'm sorry and I haven't done anything yet. I just put our daughter down, and I think we're going to do this tonight. However, getting the nerve isn't easy... that's why I'm here!!!!

My husband has a hatchet and I'm just not sure how to go about the killing part. Should I cover his head? (More so I don't have to look into his eyes.) I'm going to have to hold him I'm sure?

What are these nails for? Or the broomstick!?

I have the old tree stomp waiting now....

I need to show this thread to my husband in a second.
Ok, its done! I've culled my bird and he's been draining in a trash bag while I heat the soap water for plucking.

I've decided if it scorches or it doesn't seem to have made it easier (I have no wax) I'm going to skin it. He'll be in my fridge before bed, I can promise you that.

Tomorrow he's on the grill for a get together.

Right now I'm nerve wracked from the cull, my husband deheaded and I held.... I'm just glad he wasn't one of my chickens. I'm 10x more attached to my chickens then my ducks.
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My favorite way of processing has been from GBov They cover the birds head with a baby sock which keeps the bird calm and relaxed and easier for the processor to not have to look at the face as they chop the head off. There is more to their method of course I will post the link to their post. I just thought it was such a logical and humane idea.


Edited to add link to post.
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Congratulations! I know it's never fun and it's not supposed to be but you have to look at it as an accomplishment. Why did you have to hold him while your husband "deheaded" him? Pound 2 nails in the stump close together, stick the head in between them, pull legs and whack, it's over. I didn't even have to help my husband with our 45lb turkey. Thank goodness
It spent the first minute or 2 flapping and kicking and the whole "chicken without a head" thing. I didn't want blood flying... I had no idea what I was in for. Complete terror trying to get it in the trash can. That was one fighting headless duck!

People gotta let you know this stuff!!!
Our 2 year old runs after the chickens trying to catch them after we whack their heads off. It's very comical. Yes, some do flap a lot and some will even make some noise.

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