I didn't know how hard it was

Now I am
! We get so attached to our four legged friends and it is so hard to see them go. It's like losing a family member. I am so sorry for your loss but rest easy knowing that you gave him a wonderful life. He would have surely died at the place you got him from if you hadn't taken him. Sending you lots of
So sorry.... I'm sure he felt your love everyday. More than the home you picked him up at, he was lucky to have a mom like you.
Thanks all for the kind words. It still hurts. This is different than any other animal loss I've ever had. It's been a week now, still sucks. He was just such a good dog!

When I had my horse and goat, (hurt to sell them for the move, I still ache for them and the parrot, and it's been since 2005) Boston would go trail riding with us like a champ. He took to the horse like he was just another buddy, never even batted an eye. The horse was used to dogs darting around on the trail, so it was an easy transition. The goat, Peanut, he screamed and cried when we left for the first ride after getting him, so I went back and cut him loose. He took up with Boston and they followed us on the ride. I wish I had taken pictures! Such a weird "herd".

Riding along, little black dog crosses the path ahead. Goat bounds after him like a deer. Stops in the path, looks at you, bounds back into the woods after the dog. You stop because you hear the goat baaaing, you holler for him and he comes crashing through the brush because he had gotten "lost" 50 feet away. Horse just going along like "whatever". Best times of my life!

Some of the other horses didn't like it, so they only got to go when it was just us, and when we didn't ride any roads. Woods only.

Boston was just so great, he was so accepting and calm he was able to be incorporated into everything I did and go most every where I went. Here Boston, watch these ducks while I change wash. I've never had a dog like him before, he was one of those special ones. Boston, meet the Horse. They sniffed noses and that was that. Friends. Here Boston, meet Peanut the goat, set in his pen while I work the horse. And he did! Played with him and all. No fear, no worry, no prey drive, just went with it without a whine or bark.

My dogs now... they would take to horses quick because it meant off leash fun in the woods. But horses standing out in the pasture.. would be a heck of a training lesson. Goats.... I'd imagine that too with a lot of barking and confusion. Boston was already 3 years old when he met his first large livestock friends.

I'm glad he was here his last day, but it was very hard knowing what was coming.
Oh I am so sorry. But what a wonderful life he had. Thanks to awesome people. The world needs more people like you in it. You have my deepest condolences. And lot's of hugs.

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