I do not understand people! and how they can lie.

Yes, here's a suggestion.
Do what you've planned on doing. Go find in writing what he's telling you. If it isn't in writing, he can't do anything.
If there aren't any writings for anything, you're not in a city so he really can't do anything.
By all means get the specific wording that was used to "determine" that chickens are disallowed.

You might also call the city attorney and ask him/her rather than going through the officer or someone who says they were not at the meeting. Be sure to ask the attorney who WAS at the meeting, and whether he/she rendered an official legal opinion (which should require more than just a meeting with an official, but time to research any and all pertinent laws and ordinances) or merely listened to the officer and gave a general opinion. An official opinion should have been in writing and signed.

Find out specifically what the complaints were: noise, odor, or simply that you have chickens? Why were you not given an opportunity to address the concern if it was substantial (odor, noise, etc.)? What would happen if you complained that someone has a clothes line in their yard? It isn't listed as allowed, so it must also be forbidden? Dogs and cats aren't mentioned, so if you complain that a neighbor has them, will they be required to get rid of their pets?
Well we went up to the meeting tonight and accomplished Nothing. Other than the fact everyone knows we have a lawyer. And are not going to back down with this.
So we will proceed, and Win.
Think Positive Think positive ...lol
A lot of ASSUMPTIONS where being made, About my intentions with the chickens.
We went to the meeting with the intent of getting an extension to the date the chickens need to be removed. We did receive that, instead if the 6th we have until the 10th. (whup te doo) This is to facilitate the lawyer being prepared to help defend us.
We also where able to get them to agree to get us a copy of the full ordinance, which our lawyer requested. Our lawyer feels so far Based on the information we have received, that their is nothing about chickens in the ordinance to back the grounds of their accusations and, their, order to have the chickens removed.
The zoning officer was not in attendance at the meeting. He initialy was the one that told us their was no ordinance in the zoning and we where allowed the chickens.
The township supervisor was at the meeting as he is the chairperson. He would not comment on anything he did. He was the one that came by the house telling us we cannot have the chickens then retracted what he said on the phone the following day stating it would be fine to have 3 or 4 and a bunch of other rules behind it. (no free ranging, ext.)
I had asked him for the ordinance in writing to me and stated no problem, I never received it. I also wanted what he told me in writing so it was in black and white before me. I never received that neither.
The chief of police was their also. He just kept stating we are in a residential zone and that is the law. the township lawyer will not Change his mind and if it goes to court, he has the lawyers backing.
Off the record I talked to the township lawyer (no one knows this) Told him I actually have gone down in the number of chickens (from 12 to 8) and that they are pets and I'm not looking to sell anything. He told me he was misinformed then and that if I applied for a permit it would tie his hands.
To apply for a permit I need to go through the council members and last night they where all closed to anything. So I did not attempt it.
My neighbors where in attendance and not allowing us to say much of anything. Without interruptions.
We will be receiving the full ordinance today at some time, the officer will be bringing it by.
We will be faxing it to our law today and he should be back with us on Monday.

In the mean time we have found a place for the chickens to go temporarily Thursday night. I'm going to look into the 4H club for my children, and look at obtaining my Certified Poultry Technician License as well.
You go girl! Keep digging because something smells and it isn't your chickens.....
I would be interested to see the ordinance when you have it. All of the machinations so far tell me that they don't actually have anything. Otherwise they would have produced it by now. They are vamping.

If you win ask them to reimburse you for attorney's fees.
O K they finally got the ordinance in it's entirety to me.
And the word poultry or chicken are not even in the document, ANYWHERE!

No wonder they did not want me to have this document.

They have no leg to stand on what so ever, in their decisions.

They will need to prove, I am making money in any way from my babies. Which I am not!

It stated Animal Husbandry in the agricultural section.

Definition of Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry, also called animal science, stockbreeding or simple husbandry, is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock. It has been practiced for thousands of years, since the first domestication of animals.

Which I am not doing neither.

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