I don’t know what’s wrong with my duck, please help


Apr 24, 2019
Hello my name I Zoe and I have never had ducks before. I decided to post it on here because I couldn’t find a duck forum. I was given 2 domestic ducks that you can buy at TSC when they were still small chicks. I bought everything the lady told me to: shavings for bedding, huge container, heating lamp that I have been raising up weakly so it isn’t as hot, a chick feed that also says for ducks and says I shouldn’t need to add niacin but I don’t know if that’s true, and always giving them fresh water. The lady told me after 3 weeks that I could release them somewhere with other ducks, so I planned to do that. Well today is 3 weeks and 2 days ago, one duck was trying to walk and seemed to be limping so it started just sitting and not trying to walk. It is still eating and drinking a lot. I don’t know if it is a niacin deficiency but I have bought brewers yeast to add to the food. I have never had any animal except dogs and cats, so I’m very confused on what to do. We have tried putting them in a kitty pool to work out the leg and he/she instantly jumped out (hopefully didn’t hurt the leg more). Now I can’t even get it to stand, but it stills wants food. I have let them outside about 3 or 4 times in the 3 weeks that we’ve had them. They loved it and I saw them pecking at the ground but they were never near any nasty water. The only thing they could’ve gotten that could’ve hurt them would’ve been an insect possibly. Yesterday when I was trying to get him to walk a little, I found a tiny red nick out of the top of leg kinda. What should I do??
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

Some individuals WILL require more niacin, even when given a feed with the appropriate levels. I would go ahead and start supplementing!

Maybe you can try a sling for the sitting duckling...

Adding your general location to your profile can help others make the best suggestions possible at a glance.. But since you say TSC.. I'm gonna figure you are in the US... Where it is ALWAYS illegal to release domestic animals! :mad: (directed at the person who suggested that to you :rant) If you can't or don't want to keep them long term.. find another home, PLEASE. :) (craigslist farm and garden section is a good place for an ad.) Aside from it being illegal, it's also cruel and inhumane. :hmm

What chick feed are you using? Are you giving treats also? Are you able to post a pic?

Hang in there! :fl
Yes I guess I should’ve put my location. I do live in the United States, in TN to be exact. And honestly I never even thought about the fact that it was illegal, but I do have a woman who would take them who has about 18 other ducks, but I’m sure she won’t take it injured. Thanks for replying so fast. I’m just an animal lover and afraid of it dying so I want to try everything I can before I give them away. I’ll try to get a picture when I get home.

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