I dont know what it is about teenage boys...

Mom 2em All

14 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Dora, Alabama
When my son was fourteen he puffed his chest out at me one time... and though it took everything I had to bring this towering giant child of mine down, I took him down to the ground and reminded him that I was his mama. He is 27 now, and I am so very proud of the man he is and we have a great relationship.

A couple days ago, I watched the young cockerel (10 weeks?) my MamaBanty raised, rush at her- and she kicked his butt and chased him under the cypress tree. :pop

And then, last night, my beloved 15 week old Freckles= my snuggly, always on my arm, or leg, always friendly, wonderful Freckles...decided he needed to square up with me- my shin. So I picked him up much to his protesting and squawking and fussing...and we took a walk around the gardens, and stopped and admired all the veggies, and cuddled close. :plbb
The picture shows a very much "put in his place" Freckles after taking a long stroll and snuggle with me while all the others got to enjoy some free time free ranging before dark.

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I think it is called hormones.
definitely! I just have to say I love your quote from Mark Twain!

LOL... I remember the teenage boy thing.
Not sure the cockerel will be as 'easy'.
:lau He may grow up to be a jerk, but hes a bantam jerk. I just told him yesterday, :YOU LOVE ME I LOVE YOU darn it- but if you are a jerk, youll go the way the other roosters have gone from here. YOUR CHOICE" And much like male human counterparts in comparable hormone stage he didnt listen, he just ran off.

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