I don't want my dog anymore . . .

My Chihuahua takes benadryl for allergies. He's still alive.

Thank you for telling me that!
My Chihuahua takes benadryl for allergies. He's still alive.

Thank you for telling me that!

I give him half a benadryl thin strip every 6 hours. I doubt it'll hurt him. I dunno the weight of your boy, but cricket is almost 80 pounds, and has an iron stomach....

My neighbor's dog literally busts in my back door during thunderstorms and fireworks. Why me?

It's not just that neighbor's dog that likes me, the one allergic to dogs, but another neighbor's dog, too: I've woken up several times to find her in my bed with me or on the floor by my slippers!

After this carried on for six months, they walked up the driveway on my daughter's birthday and handed her the leash to their pit bull!
I declined the dog, but they said they'd had it trying to convince the dog where she did and didn't live. I found her a home -- NOT mine.

Back on topic: Poodle bashing. Where'd we leave off?:
Don't tell anyone I said this as it's off topic, but these are some beautiful poodles!

(What is it people with good taste in birds and dogs (poodles). Kind of a natural irony.)
Maybe you should stop bathing in au jus!!

I dunno what we'll do with em after we bash em though. They don't look at all like they'd make good eating. Even with sauce.
Oooh, oooh, ooo. Not a bad idea! Really! That reminds me of a woman I met in Missouri. She liked spinning poodle hair into yarn and making rugs with it!

ETA: This is bad. I'm heading the wrong direction again. I inadvertently mentioned another good thing about poodles: you can make a good rug out of them. Blankets, too.
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How old is your daughter and why is she giving random medications to a dog...? If she's young enough to not understand that giving dogs meds for no reason can be extremely harmful (thankfully benadryl is hard to OD a dog on), she's probably too young to have access to those medications herself. Sounds like you need some cabinet locks to keep the kid out of the medicine and the dog out of the chocolate if you can't train those behaviors out of them. As for the bed issue and mattress digging: train, deter, and/or simply shut the door - the latter especially if you aren't home. Most dogs, and this has been proven in behavioral studies, will eventually cave to temptation if the owner is away even if they are perfectly obedient in the owner's presence. Train the dog to know that the bed is a no-go when you're there, and shut the door when you're out and about to prevent lapses in doggy self control.

Though, now that I'm reading through your thread, I can't tell if you're having legitimate issues with the animal or if this is some kind of spoof. Color me dense, I guess.
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