I expect green shells but green yolks?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 15, 2008
Anyone ever have experience with this?
My "Easter Egg" chickens have been laying green in and green out eggs for the last month now. It begain right after selling to our first "customer"
. I cracked an egg and to my suprise... an army green egg slipped out. My first reaction was to say eww eww ewwww and hold my nose. To my suprise, there was no smell of a rotten egg what so ever.
We called our farm vet who had never heard of such a thing. She looked up info which indicated this condition maybe from an increase of cotton seed in feed. We tried getting rid of old feed and scratch and replacing with new... (no change). We tried not offering scratch and things seem to improve slooooowly (but then again molting was improving too). During this time production decreased as well from 11/day to 6/day. Eggs were well formed, normal green/blue on the outside. When breaking them open the yolk is army green with a clear green tinge to the white. NO odor, not bacterial smelling or looking at all. Now we're back to about 11/day and the greenies are just about resolved.
I should include that during this process, the girls were in that very attractive turkey looking stage of molting as well. Weirdest thing I ever saw....yet.
I'd love to hear from anyone with experience or an opinion!
Stone Echo Chick
I was too "chicken" to try to eat the eggs that way though the vet said off colored eggs are often sold as B grade eggs to large food manufacturers. Our customer indicated her father ate one and didnt notice any difference in flavor. (brave soul!)
No and I wish I had. I'll keep the camera in the kitchen to catch one. Although I have no clue how to include a picture in a post...
For the last month, because I wasnt sure why this was happening, we have been wasting the eggs and keeping track of the ratio of how many yellow to green yolks. I was throwing away bags of green yolkers. It was rather icky.
Thanks Frog..person,
For the last month I couldnt wait to get rid of them, now Im going to be waiting for one
go figure.

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