I finally have my girls!

Aspen Meadow chiq

10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
I finally have my chicken house built and occupied. My dear husband and friend built it this summer, about half the materials were donated, and it's wonderful. I have many pictures from beginning to end but will just post the end results for now.
My first were two leghorn hens. They are laying every day. I'm so pleased. Two weeks later I got 2 red hens. I'm not sure of their breeding, maybe New Hampshire? They are laying the smaller brown eggs and I believe they are younger than the leghorns so that may explain the size of egg. Then last night I got 2 Buff Orpington pullets. They are all getting along together quite well. I'm hoping the new ones don't get picked on, of course, but so far they seem fine. They were sunning themselves earlier, while the leghorns were laying eggs and the red ones were outside scratching

Below is my first egg, the day after the girls moved in.


And this is the results after a week of having 4 layers.


And here are some pics of the 6 of them.


Can someone tell me what breed these red ones are? It doesn't matter, I'm just curious and they are nice chickens.
I guess I should add that the run shown in the picture is covered to keep owls and hawks from getting the hens. Also, the wire goes down into the dirt but it's very hard and rocky ground so nothing will be digging a tunnel under the wire. We have chicken wire around most of the run on the bottom part of the fence just in case. We only really have to worry about skunks, raccoons, coyotes, and hawks and owls here. We lock them in the house at night just to be safe and with the foundation under the house, nothing will get in unless it knows how to open doors and walks up-right. We are in the process of building a bigger area with fencing so they can be loose when we're home but don't want to turn them out in it for awhile, want them to know this is home.
Thanks everyone. I've been reading this website for a couple years, just waiting for the day when I too could say I have chickens again. finally!!!

p.s. I think we grow rocks. At least I was able to put some to good use!

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