I found a little minimum order hack

I just created orders in both sites and ideal added $20 quantity surcharge before shipping and mt. healthy added $15 before shipping saying "add 15 more chicks to avoiding this charge"
I just double checked my invoices. There is a $15 fee from Mt Healthy (no shipping fee, just the $15 small order fee for 10), and a $20 fee from Ideal (no shipping fee, just the $20 handling fee.)
IF TSC is getting their chicks from Hoover, I'll be getting somewhere else. Last year we (friend & I) purchased from TSC/Hoover, not at all pleased with their stock. Wish they/TSC would go back to Ideal or Privit as in the past.
The in-store chicks in my area last year appeared to be from privett's, but I"m not sure. However, the online ordering at TSC is Hoover's.
@brandonstokley the minimum with $15 ship at Mt Healthy is 10 chicks, and the minimum at Ideal with $20 ship is about 8 chicks ($40 order).
Both of these hatcheries you can order 1 of each breed to get 8-10 different breeds! Just posting in case you’d be interested! If TSC/Hoovers had a way to order different select breeds to make up the 10, I would totally try it. We like keeping a mixed flock. 😊
You can order an assortment from Hoover's at TSC online, such as sapphire assortment, rare breed assortment, egg layer, brown egg layer, etc.

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